Please see below for an exciting opportunity for our

undergraduate students!

What is SEA BEaRS?

The Science Education Addressing the Blue Economy and Rural Success (SEA BEaRS) program is
funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) with the goal of supporting
academically talented, Pell Grant eligible undergraduate students in the University of Maine’s School
of Marine Sciences (SMS). This program provides merit-based scholarships and programming to
support student retention and success in achieving their degree. Optional programming includes
cohort-building field trips, participation in the Semester by the Sea program, paid intern and
extern-ships, professional development activities, and a variety of other programs. Students will also
have access to the SEA BEaRS mentoring team to help guide them through their undergraduate

Students who are eligible must:

  • Be citizens of the United States
  • Be full-time students in the SMS undergraduate Marine Science Degree
  • Be eligible for a federal Pell Grant
  • Maintain a grade point average of 3.0 or greater

Interested high school or current first year undergraduate students should begin by filling out this form. High school students should plan to provide the name and contact information of a STEM teacher willing to writer a letter of recommendation. A personal statement from prospective students is also required. This statement should be approximately 400-600 words describing the student’s academic journey, plans to succeed in college, and any other information they’d like us to know about them.

While you must be enrolled full time in the SMS Marine Science degree and maintain a ≥ 3.0 GPA to remain in the program, all programming is optional. SEA BEaRS opportunities and activities are there to help you succeed, and SEA BEaRS scholars may take advantage of any programming that they feel will benefit them. Our goal is to help you excel in courses and allow you to establish yourself as a member of the marine science community. We will also help you find employment post-graduation.