Patrick Gray

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Patrick is working with Emmanuel Boss and Yoav Lehahn as a Zuckerman Postdoctoral Fellow focused on marine biophysical interactions and ocean optics. He recently completed his PhD in Marine Science and Conservation with Dave Johnston in the Marine Robotics and Remote Sensing Lab at the Duke University Marine Laboratory where he was a Future Investigator in NASA Earth and Space Science and Technology (FINESST).

Broadly Patrick’s research uses satellites, drones, and in situ optical techniques to understand the interplay of physics and ecology in the ocean. His doctoral work investigated fine-scale biophysical processes along the Gulf Stream front and re-examined the role frontal eddies play along the mid-Atlantic. Combining remote sensing, data science, and biological oceanography his work utilizes machine learning and scientific computing tools for parsing large remotely sensed datasets and connecting disparate data streams to understand our changing ocean system. Patrick is also interested in connecting ocean science with other ocean worlds in our solar system. More at