Robyn Linner

Education:  MS Marine Biology, BS in Marine Biology at Hawaii Pacific University
Advisors: Yong Chen and Dave Townsend
E-mail address:
Phone:  815-355-9874
Office location:  217 Libby Hall
Research: Sentinel Survey on groundfish in the Gulf of Maine
I began my studies here at the University of Maine in January 2019. I am the new lead on the Sentinel Survey, taking over from John Carlucci, which aims to determine abundance estimates for groundfish in the Gulf of Maine (including Atlantic cod, white hake, Atlantic halibut and cusk). These species have had extremely low abundances since their overexploitation decades ago. Using longline and jigging gear I collect samples at random stations in the Gulf of Maine and use this data to make both design-based and model-based abundance estimates that are described in an annual report to better understand the state of these stocks.