Lawrence Mayer, Ph.D.

Contact Information

Phone: 207.581.5118


Darling Marine Center
193 Clarks Cove Rd.
Walpole, ME  04573


Ph.D. Dartmouth


I retired in 2019, and have maintained some teaching and research activities. I am no longer serving as a graduate student advisor. Research activities consist largely of getting older data and thoughts written up, but no new data-gathering. If there are questions which I can answer, please feel free to contact me. Areas of expertise are best seen in my list of publications.


  • Bianchi, T.S., Mayer, L.M., Amaral, J.H.F., Arndt, S., Galy, V., Kemp, D.B., Kuehl, S.A., Murray, N.J., and Regnier, P., in revision. Anthropogenic impacts on mud and organic carbon cycling in the biosphere. Nature Geoscience.
  • Wells, M.L., and L.M. Mayer, in press, Aggregation of colloids in estuaries. In Treatise on Estuarine and Coastal Science. Elsevier.
  • Song, S. Santos, I.R., Yu, H., Wang, F., Burnett, W.C., Bianchi, T.S., Dong, J., Lian, E., Zhao, B., Mayer, L., Yao, Q., Yu, Z., Xu, B. 2022 A global assessment of the mixed layer in coastal sediments and implications for carbon storage. Nature Communications, 13:4903.
  • Both, A., Byron, C.J., Brady, D.C., Costa-Pierce, B., Mayer, L.M,. and Parrish, C.C., 2022. Solubilization of nutritional lipids from three coastal and estuarine primary producers using sodium taurocholate as a model surfactant to mimic typical consumer gut-fluids. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 548:151686
  • Duffy, M.R., Adams, C.M., Homokla, K.K., Neibauer, J.A., Mayer, L.M., and Keil, R.G., 2022, Degredation of diatom protein in seawater, a peptide-level view, Frontiers in Marine Science, 8:757245.
  • Liberti, C.M., Gray, M.W., Mayer, L.M., Testa, J.M., Liu W., and Brady, D.C. 2022. The impact of oyster aquaculture on the estuarine carbonate system. Elementa: Elementa – Science of the Anthropocene. 10: 1.
  • Adams, C.M., L.M. Mayer, P. Rawson, D.C. Brady, and C. Newell, 2019. Detrital protein contributes to oyster nutrition and growth in the Damariscotta estuary, Maine. Aquaculture Environment Interactions. 11:521-536.
  • Selvaraj, K., Chen, C,-T.A., Lou, J.-Y., and Mayer, L.M., 2018. Estimation of marine versus terrestrial organic carbon in sediments off southwestern Taiwan using the ratio of bromine to organic carbon as a proxy. Journal of Geophysical Research, 123:3387-3402.
  • Wang, Z., Liu, Z.F., Liu M., Xu, K.H., and Mayer, L.M., 2016. The impact of drying on structure of sedimentary organic matter in wetlands: Probing with native and amended polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Science of the Total Environment 568:42-51.
  • Leri, A., L.M. Mayer, K. Thornton, P. Northrup, and M. Dunigan, K. Ness, and A. Gellis, 2015. A marine sink for chlorine in natural organic matter, Nature Geosciences, 8:620-624.
  • Shull, D.H., A. Kremp, and L.M. Mayer, 2014. Bioturbation, germination and deposition of Alexandrium fundyense cysts in the Gulf of Maine. Deep-Sea Research, Part II, 103:66-78.
  • Wang, Z., Z. Liu, K Xu, L.M. Mayer, Z. Zhang, A.S. Kolker, and W. Wu, 2014. Concentrations and sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in surface coastal sediments of the northern Gulf of Mexico. Geochemical Transactions, 15(2) 12 pp.
  • Leri, A., Mayer, L.M., Thornton, K., Ravel, B., 2014. Bromination of marine particulate organic matter through oxidative mechanisms, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 142:53-63.
  • Wagai, R., L.M. Mayer, K. Kitayama, and Y. Shirato, 2013. Association of organic matter with iron and aluminum across a range of soils determined via selective dissolution techniques coupled with dissolved nitrogen analysis, Biogeochemistry, 112:95-109.
  • Liu, Z., D. Breecker, L.M. Mayer, J. Zhong, 2013. Composition of size-fractioned sedimentary organic matter in coastal environments affected by different physical forcing effects, Organic Geochemistry, 60:20-32.
  • Keil, R.G. and L.M. Mayer, 2013. Mineral matrices and organic matter. IN Treatise on Organic Geochemistry, Elsevier. Vol. 12, pp. 337-359.
  • Estapa, M.L., E. Boss, L.M. Mayer, and C.R. Roesler, 2012. Role of iron and organic carbon in mass-specific light absorption by particulate matter from Louisiana coastal waters, Limnology and Oceanography 57:97-112.For more information: Download file (PDF)
  • Mayer, L.M., K.H. Thornton, L.L. Schick, J.D. Jastrow, and J. Harden, 2012. Photodissolution of soil organic matter, Geoderma 170:314-321.For more information: Download file (PDF)
  • Mayer, L.M., K.H. Thornton, and L.L. Schick, 2011. Bioavailability of organic matter photodissolved from coastal sediments, Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 64:275-284.For more information: Download file (PDF)
  • Mayer, L.M. and M.L. Wells, 2011. Aggregation of colloids in estuaries, IN Treatise on Estuarine and Coastal Science, Volume 4 – Geochemistry, Elsevier, pp. 143-160.
  • Estapa, M.L. and L.M. Mayer, 2010. Photooxidation of particulate organic matter, carbon/oxygen stoichiometry, and related photoreactions, Marine Chemistry, 122:138-147.For more information: Download file (PDF)
  • Wagai,R., L.M. Mayer, and K. Kitayama, 2009. Organic coverage of soil mineral surfaces along an organic matter accretion gradient, Geoderma 149:152-160.For more information: Download file (PDF)
  • Mayer, L.M. L.L., Schick, T. S. Bianchi, and L.A. Wysocki, 2009. Photochemical changes in chemical markers of sedimentary organic matter source and age, Marine Chemistry, 113:123-128.For more information: Download file (PDF)
  • Wagai,R., L.M. Mayer, and K. Kitayama, 2009. Nature of “occluded” low-density fraction in soil organic matter studies: a critical review, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 55:13-25.
  • Mayer, L.M. L.L., Schick, K.R. Hardy, and M.L. Estapa, 2009. Photodissolution and other photochemical changes upon irradiation of algal detritus, Limnology and Oceanography, 54:1688-1698.For more information: Download file (PDF)
  • Zhuang J., J.F. McCarthy, E. Perfect, L.M. Mayer, and J.D. Jastrow, 2008. Effect of organic matter on hysteretic characteristics of water retention in soil microaggregates, Soil Science Society of America Journal. 72:212-220.For more information: Download file (PDF)
  • Voparil, I.M., L.M. Mayer, and P.A. Jumars, 2008. Emulsions vs. micelles in the digestion of lipids by benthic invertebrates. Limnology and Oceanography, 53:387-394.For more information: Download file (PDF)
  • McCarthy, J.F., J. Ilavsky, J.D. Jastrow, L.M. Mayer, E. Perfect, and J. Zhuang, 2008. Protection of organic carbon in soil microaggregates occurs via restructuring of aggregate porosity and filling of pores with accumulating organic matter. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 72:4725-4744.For more information: Download file (PDF)
  • Wagai, R., L.M. Mayer, K. Kitayama, and H. Knicker, 2008. Climate and parent material controls on soil organic matter storage in surface soils: A three-pool, density-separation approach. Geoderma 147:23-33.For more information: Download file (PDF)
  • Weissberger, E., P.A. Jumars, L.M. Mayer and L.L. Schick, 2008, Structure of a northwest Atlantic shelf macrofaunal assemblage with respect to seasonal variation in sediment nutritional quality, Journal of Sea Research, 60:164-175.For more information: Download file (PDF)
  • Mayer, L.M., L.L. Schick, and M.A. Allison, 2008. Input of nutritionally rich organic matter from the Mississippi River to the Louisiana coastal zone, Estuaries and Coasts, 1052-1062.For more information: Download file (PDF)
  • Wagai, R. and L.M. Mayer, 2007. Sorptive stabilization of organic matter in soils by hydrous iron oxides. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 71:25-35.For more information: Download file (PDF)
  • Curry, K.J., R. H. Bennett, L. M. Mayer, A. Curry, M. Abril, P. M. Biesiot, and M. H. Hulbert, 2007. Direct visualization of clay microfabric signatures driving organic matter preservation in fine-grained sediment. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 71:1709-1720.For more information: Download file (PDF)
  • Mayer L.M. L. L. Schick, M. Allison, K. Ruttenberg, and S. Bentley, 2007. Marine vs. terrigenous organic matter in Louisiana coastal sediments: The uses of Bromine:organic carbon ratios, Marine Chemistry, 107:244-254.For more information: Download file (PDF)
  • Mayer, L.M., L. Schick, K. Skorko, and E. Boss, 2006. Photodissolution of particulate organic matter from sediments, Limnology and Oceanography, 51:1064-1071.For more information: Download file (PDF)
  • Kennedy, M., M. Droser, L. M. Mayer, D. Pevear and D. Mrofka. 2006. Late Precambrian oxygenation; Inception of the clay mineral factory. Science, 311:1446-1449.For more information: Download file (PDF)
  • Townsend, D.W., A.C. Thomas, L.M. Mayer, M. Thomas, and J.A. Quinlan, 2006. Oceanography of the Northwest Atlantic continental shelf. IN The Sea, Vol. 14A, The Global Coastal Ocean (Robinson, A.R. and Brink, K.H., Eds.), pp. 119-16.
  • Jumars P.A.,, K. M. Dorgan, L. M. Mayer, B. P. Boudreau and B. Johnson, 2006. Infaunal lifestyles: May gravity and the strong forces be with you. IN Trace Fossils: Concepts, Problems, Prospects (W. Miller, Ed.), Elsevier, pp. 442-457.
  • Campbell, P.G.C., S.J. Clearwater, P.B. Brown, N.S. Fisher, C. Hogstrand, G.R. Lopez, L.M. Mayer and J.S. Meyer, 2005. Digestive physiology, chemistry and nutrition, pp. 13-57, IN: J.S. Meyer, W.J. Adams, K.V. Brix, S.N. Luoma, D.R. Mount, W.A. Stubblefield and C.M. Wood (eds.) Toxicity of Dietborne Metals to Aquatic Organisms, SETAC Press, 329 p.
  • Shan, G., S.K. Embrey, R.A. Herman, J. Wolt, D. Weston, and L.M. Mayer, 2005. Biomimetic extraction of Bacillus thuringiensis insecticidal crystal proteins from soil based on invertebrate gut fluid chemistry, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 53:6630-6634.For more information: Download file (PDF)
  • Acoustic detection of organic enrichment in sediments near salmon farms in the Bay of Fundy, Canada
    Wildish, D.J., J.E. Hughes-Clarke, G.W. Pohle, B.T. Hargrave, and L.M. Mayer, 2004. Acoustic detection of organic enrichment in sediments near salmon farms in the Bay of Fundy, Canada. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 267:99-105.For more information: Download file (PDF)
  • Oxidative coupling during gut passage in marine deposit-feeding invertebrates
    Giessing, A.M.B. and L.M. Mayer, 2004. Oxidative coupling during gut passage in marine deposit-feeding invertebrates, Limnology and Oceanography, 49:716-726.For more information: Download file (PDF)
  • The effect of extraction conditions on trace metal solubilization in deposit feeder digestive fluid
    Weston, D.P., J.R. Judd, and L.M. Mayer, 2004. The effect of extraction conditions on trace metal solubilization in deposit feeder digestive fluid. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 23:1834–1841.
  • Commercially-available chemicals that mimic a deposit-feederÂ’s (Arenicola marina) digestive solubilization of lipids
    Voparil, I.M. and L.M. Mayer. 2004. Commercially-available chemicals that mimic a deposit-feederÂ’s (Arenicola marina) digestive solubilization of lipids, Environmental Science and Technology, 38:4334 – 4339.For more information: Download file (PDF)
  • Voparil, I.M., R.M. Burgess, L.M. Mayer, R. Tien, M.G. Cantwell, and S.A. Ryba, 2004. Digestive bioavailability to a deposit feeder (Arenicola marina) of PAH associated with anthropogenic particles. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 23:2618-2626.For more information: Download file (PDF)
  • Mayer, L.M., 2004. The inertness of being organic. Marine Chemistry, 92:135-140.For more information: Download file (PDF)
  • Mayer L., Schick L., Hardy K., Wagai R. and McCarthy J., 2004. Organic matter content of small mesopores in sediments and soils. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta., 68:3863-3872For more information: Download file (PDF)
  • 1-Hydroxypyrene glucuronide as the major aqueous pyrene metabolite in tissue and gut fluid from the marine deposit-feeding polychaete Nereis diversicolor
    Giessing, A.M.B., L.M. Mayer, and T.L. Forbes, 2003. 1-Hydroxypyrene glucuronide as the major aqueous pyrene metabolite in tissue and gut fluid from the marine deposit-feeding polychaete Nereis diversicolor, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 22:1107-1114.For more information: Download file (PDF)
  • Synchronous fluorescence spectrometry of 1-Hydroxypyrene: A rapid screening method for identification of PAH exposure in tissue from marine polychaetes
    Giessing, A.M.B., L.M. Mayer, and T.L. Forbes, 2003. Synchronous fluorescence spectrometry of 1-Hydroxypyrene: A rapid screening method for identification of PAH exposure in tissue from marine polychaetes, Marine Environmental Research 56:599-615.For more information: Download file (PDF)
  • Solubilization interactions among contaminant and nutritional lipids in digestive fluids from marine invertebrates
    Voparil, I.M., L.M. Mayer, A.R. Place, 2003. Solubilization interactions among contaminant and nutritional lipids in digestive fluids from marine invertebrates, Environmental Science and Technology, 37:3117-3122.For more information: Download file (PDF)
  • Structures and concentrations of surfactants in the gut fluid of the marine polychaete, Arenicola marina
    Smoot, J.C., L.M. Mayer, M.J. Bock, P.C. Wood, and R.H. Findlay, 2003. Structures and concentrations of surfactants in the gut fluid of the marine polychaete, Arenicola marina, Marine Ecology-Progress Series, 258:161-169.For more information: Download file (PDF)
  • Inhibition of digestive enzyme activities by copper in the guts of various marine benthic invertebrates
    Chen, Z. L. M. Mayer, D.P. Weston, M. J. Bock, P. A. Jumars, 2002. Inhibition of digestive enzyme activities by copper in the guts of various marine benthic invertebrates, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 21:1243-1248.For more information: Download file (PDF)
  • Dissolution of particle-reactive radionuclides in deposit-feeder digestive fluids
    Shull, D.H. and L.M. Mayer, 2002. Dissolution of particle-reactive radionuclides in deposit-feeder digestive fluids, Limnology and Oceanography, 47:1530-1536.For more information: Download file (PDF)
  • Mineral associations and nutritional quality of organic matter in shelf and upper slope sediments off Cape Hatteras, USA: A case of unusually high loadings
    Mayer, L., L. Benninger, M. Bock, D. DeMaster, Q. Roberts and C. Martens, 2002. Mineral associations and nutritional quality of organic matter in shelf and upper slope sediments off Cape Hatteras, USA: A case of unusually high loadings, Deep-Sea Research, 49:4587-4598.For more information: Download file (PDF)
  • Organic carbon deposition on the North Carolina continental slope off Cape Hatteras (USA)
    Thomas, C.J., N.E. Blair, M.J. Alperin, D.J. DeMaster, R.A. Jahnke, C.S. Martens, and L. Mayer, 2002. Organic carbon deposition on the North Carolina continental slope off Cape Hatteras (USA), Deep-Sea Research 49:4687-4708.
  • Organic carbon-surface area-clay relationships in acid soils
    Mayer, L.M. and B. Xing, 2001. Organic carbon-surface area-clay relationships in acid soils, Soil Science Society of America Journal, 65:250-258.For more information: Download file (PDF)
  • Two roads to sparagmos: Extracellular digestion of sedimentary food by bacterial inoculation versus deposit-feeding
    Mayer, L.M., P.A. Jumars, M.J. Bock, Y.-A. Vetter, and J.L. Schmidt, 2001. Two roads to sparagmos: Extracellular digestion of sedimentary food by bacterial inoculation versus deposit-feeding. In: J. Y. Aller, S. A. Woodin, R. C. Aller (eds.), Organism-Sediment Interactions. Belle W. Baruch Library in Marine Science Number 21. University of South Carolina Press, Columbia, SC, pp. 335-347.For more information: Download file (PDF)
  • Impact of a scallop drag on a shallow subtidal marine benthic community
    Watling, L., R.H. Findlay, L.M. Mayer, and D.F. Schick, 2001. Impact of a scallop drag on a shallow subtidal marine benthic community. Journal of Sea Research, 46:309-324.
  • Benzo-a-pyrene and zinc solubilization by digestive fluids of benthic invertebrates – a cross-phyletic study
    Mayer, L.M., D.P. Weston, and M.J. Bock, 2001. Benzo-a-pyrene and zinc solubilization by digestive fluids of benthic invertebrates – a cross-phyletic study. Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology 20:1890-1900.For more information: Download file (PDF)
  • Mesodensity organo-clay associations in a nearshore sedimen
    Bock, M. and L. Mayer, 2000. Mesodensity organo-clay associations in a nearshore sediment, Marine Geology, 163:65-75.For more information: Download file (PDF)
  • Dissolution of sedimentary polycyclic hydrocarbons (PAHs) into the lugwormÂ’s (Arenicola marina) digestive fluids
    Voparil, I. and L.M. Mayer, 2000. Dissolution of sedimentary polycyclic hydrocarbons (PAHs) into the lugwormÂ’s (Arenicola marina) digestive fluids, Environmental Science and Technology, 34:1221-1228.
  • High concentrations of complexed metals in the guts of deposit-feeders
    Chen, Z., L.M. Mayer, C. Quétel, O.F.X. Donard, R.F.L. Self, P.A. Jumars, and D.P. Weston, 2000. High concentrations of complexed metals in the guts of deposit-feeders, Limnology and Oceanography, 45:1358-1367.For more information: Download file (PDF)
  • Sedimentary metal bioavailability determined by the digestive constraints of marine deposit feeders: gut retention time and dissolved amino acids
    Chen, Z., and L. Mayer, 1999. Sedimentary metal bioavailability determined by the digestive constraints of marine deposit feeders: gut retention time and dissolved amino acids, Marine Ecology – Progress Series, 176:139-151.For more information: Download file (PDF)
  • Dissolved protein fluorescence in two Maine estuaries
    Mayer, L.M., L.L. Schick, and T. Loder, 1999. Dissolved protein fluorescence in two Maine estuaries, Marine Chemistry, 64:171-179.For more information: Download file (PDF)
  • Assessment of sedimentary Cu availability: A comparison of biomimetic and AVS approaches
    Chen, Z. and L. Mayer, 1999. Assessment of sedimentary Cu availability: A comparison of biomimetic and AVS approaches, Environmental Science and Technology, 33:650-652.For more information: Download file (PDF)
  • Extent of coverage of mineral surfaces by organic matter in marine sediments
    Mayer, L.M., 1999. Extent of coverage of mineral surfaces by organic matter in marine sediments, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 63:207-215.For more information: Download file (PDF)
  • Even more interdisciplinary future lies ahead for ocean chemistry
    Mayer, L., E. Druffel, M. Bender, E. Boyle, R. Jahnke, W. Jenkins, C. Lee, G. Luther, and W. Moore, 1999. Even more interdisciplinary future lies ahead for ocean chemistry. EOS 80:207-210.
  • Intestinal solubilization of particle-associated organic and inorganic mercury as a measure of bioavailability to benthic invertebrates
    Lawrence, A.L., K.M. McAloon, R.P. Mason, and L.M. Mayer, 1999. Intestinal solubilization of particle-associated organic and inorganic mercury as a measure of bioavailability to benthic invertebrates. Environmental Science and Technology, 33:1871-1876.
  • Digestive plasticity of the marine benthic omnivore Nereis virens
    Bock, M. and L. Mayer, 1999. Digestive plasticity of the marine benthic omnivore Nereis virens, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 240:77-92.
  • Digestive proteases of the lugworm, Arenicola marina, inhibited by Cu from contaminated sediments
    Chen, Z. and L. Mayer, 1998, Digestive proteases of the lugworm, Arenicola marina, inhibited by Cu from contaminated sediments, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 17:433-438.For more information: Download file (PDF)
  • Mechanisms of Cu solubilization during deposit-feeding
    Chen, Z. and L. Mayer, 1998. Mechanisms of Cu solubilization during deposit-feeding, Environmental Science and Technology, 32:770-775.For more information: Download file (PDF)
  • In vitro digestive fluid extraction as a measure of the bioavailability of sediment-associated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: Sources of variation and implications for partitioning models
    Weston, D. and L. Mayer, 1998. In vitro digestive fluid extraction as a measure of the bioavailability of sediment-associated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: Sources of variation and implications for partitioning models, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 17:820-829.For more information: Download file (PDF)
  • Comparison of in vitro digestive fluid extraction and traditional in vivo approaches as measures of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon bioavailability from sediments
    Weston, D. and L. Mayer, 1998. Comparison of in vitro digestive fluid extraction and traditional in vivo approaches as measures of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon bioavailability from sediments, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 17:830-840.For more information: Download file (PDF)
  • Resuspension of sediment by bottom trawling in the Gulf of Maine and potential geochemical consequences
    Pilskaln, C.H., J.H. Churchill and L.M. Mayer, 1998. Resuspension of sediment by bottom trawling in the Gulf of Maine and potential geochemical consequences, Journal of Conservation Biology 12:1223-1229.
  • The importance of suspended particulates in riverine delivery of bioavailable nitrogen to coastal zones
    Mayer L. M., R.G. Keil, S.A. Macko, S.B. Joye, K. C. Ruttenberg, and R.C. Aller, 1998. The importance of suspended particulates in riverine delivery of bioavailable nitrogen to coastal zones, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 12:573-579.For more information: Download file (PDF)
  • Loss of organic matter from riverine particles in deltas
    Keil, R.G., L.M. Mayer, P.D. Quay, J.E. Richey, and J.I. Hedges, 1997. Loss of organic matter from riverine particles in deltas, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 61:1507-1511.For more information: Download file (PDF)
  • Digestive environments of benthic macroinvertebrate guts: Enzymes, surfactants, and dissolved organic matter
    Mayer, L.M., L.L. Schick, R.F.L. Self, P.A. Jumars, R. H. Findlay, Z. Chen, S. Sampson, 1997. Digestive environments of benthic macroinvertebrate guts: Enzymes, surfactants, and dissolved organic matter, Journal of Marine Research, 55:785-812..For more information: Download file (PDF)
  • The kinetics of bacteriolysis in the gut of the deposit feeder, Arenicola marina
    Plante, C.J., L.M. Mayer, and G.M. King, 1996. The kinetics of bacteriolysis in the gut of the deposit feeder, Arenicola marina, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 62:1051-1057.
  • The lability of proteinaceous material in estuarine seston and subcellular fractions of phytoplankton
    Laursen, A.K., L.M. Mayer, and D.W. Townsend, 1996. The lability of proteinaceous material in estuarine seston and subcellular fractions of phytoplankton, Marine Ecology – Progress Series, 136:227-234.For more information: Download file (PDF)
  • Bioavailability of sedimentary contaminants subject to deposit-feeder digestion
    Mayer, L., Z. Chen, R. Findlay, J. Fang, S. Sampson, L. Self, P. Jumars, C. Quetél, and O. Donard, 1996. Bioavailability of sedimentary contaminants subject to deposit-feeder digestion, Environmental Science and Technology, 30:2641-2645.For more information: Download file (PDF)
  • Seasonal variability in the bacteriolytic capacity of the deposit feeder, Arenicola marina: Environmental correlates
    Plante, C.J. and L.M. Mayer, 1996. Seasonal variability in the bacteriolytic capacity of the deposit feeder, Arenicola marina: Environmental correlates, Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 11:101-109 .
  • Environmental impact of salmon net-pen culture on Maine marine benthic communities: A case study
    Findlay, R., Watling, L. and Mayer, L., 1995. Environmental impact of salmon net-pen culture on Maine marine benthic communities: A case study, Estuaries,18:145-179.For more information: Download file (PDF)
  • Bioavailable amino acids in sediments: A biomimetic, kinetics-based approach
    Mayer, L.M., Schick, L.L., Sawyer, T., Plante, C., Jumars, P.A., and Self, R.L., 1995. Bioavailable amino acids in sediments: A biomimetic, kinetics-based approach, Limnology and Oceanography, 40:511-520.For more information: Download file (PDF)
  • Sedimentary organic matter preservation: an assessment and speculative synthesis – a comment
    Mayer, L.M., 1995. Sedimentary organic matter preservation: an assessment and speculative synthesis – a comment. Marine Chemistry, 49:123-126.
  • In vitro amino acid and glucose uptake rates across the gut wall of a surface deposit feeder
    Self, R.F.L., P.A. Jumars, and L.M. Mayer, 1995. In vitro amino acid and glucose uptake rates across the gut wall of a surface deposit feeder, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 192: 289-318.
  • Surface area control of organic carbon accumulation in continental shelf sediments
    Mayer, L.M., 1994. Surface area control of organic carbon accumulation in continental shelf sediments, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 58:1271-1284.For more information: Download file (PDF)
  • Distribution and efficiency of bacteriolysis in the gut of Arenicola marina and three additional deposit feeders
    Plante, C.J. and L.M. Mayer 1994. Distribution and efficiency of bacteriolysis in the gut of Arenicola marina and three additional deposit feeders. Marine Ecology – Progress Series, 109:183-194.For more information: Download file (PDF)
  • Relationships between mineral surfaces and organic carbon concentrations in soils and sediments
    Mayer, L.M., 1994. Relationships between mineral surfaces and organic carbon concentrations in soils and sediments, Chemical Geology, 114:347-363.For more information: Download file (PDF)
  • Low-density particles as potential nitrogenous food sources for benthos
    Mayer, L.M., P.A. Jumars, G.L. Taghon, S.A. Macko, and S. Trumbore, 1993. Low-density particles as potential nitrogenous food sources for benthos, Journal of Marine Research, 51:373-389.
  • Organic matter at the sediment-water interface
    Mayer, L.M., 1993. Organic matter at the sediment-water interface. IN: Organic Geochemistry (Engel, M. and Macko, S., Eds.), Plenum, pp. 171-184.
  • Vertical structure and biological activity in the bottom nepheloid layer of the Gulf of Maine
    Townsend, D., L.M. Mayer, Q. Dortch, and R. Spinrad, 1992. Vertical structure and biological activity in the bottom nepheloid layer of the Gulf of Maine. Continental Shelf Research 12:367-387.
  • Early diagenesis of protein: A seasonal study
    Mayer, L.M. and D.L. Rice, 1992. Early diagenesis of protein: A seasonal study, Limnology and Oceanography, 37:280-295.For more information: Download file (PDF)
  • Variations in the availability of iron to phytoplankton in estuarine, coastal and shelf waters
    Wells, M.L. and L.M. Mayer, 1991. Variations in the availability of iron to phytoplankton in estuarine, coastal and shelf waters. Marine Chemistry, 32:195-210.Wells, M.L., L.M. Mayer, and R.R.L. Guillard, 1991. A chemical method for estimating the availability of iron to phytoplankton in seawater. Marine Chemistry, 33:23-40.
  • Evaluation of iron as a triggering factor for red tide blooms
    Wells, M.L., L.M. Mayer, and R.R.L. Guillard, 1991. Evaluation of iron as a triggering factor for red tide blooms. Marine Ecology – Progress Series, 69:93-102.For more information: Download file (PDF)
  • Effects of commercial dragging on sedimentary organic matter
    Mayer, L.M., D. F. Schick, R. Findlay, and D.L. Rice, 1991. Effects of commercial dragging on sedimentary organic matter. Marine Environmental Research, 31:249-261.For more information: Download file (PDF)
  • The photoconversion of colloidal iron oxyhydroxides in seawater
    Wells, M.L. and L.M. Mayer, 1991. The photoconversion of colloidal iron oxyhydroxides in seawater. Deep-Sea Research, 38:1379-1395.
  • The photolysis of colloidal iron in the oceans
    Wells, M.L., L.M. Mayer, O.F.X. Donard, M. M. de Souza Sierra, and S.G. Ackleson, 1991. The photolysis of colloidal iron in the oceans. Nature, 353:248-250.
  • Deep-sea deposit-feeding strategies suggested by environmental and feeding constraints
    Jumars, P.A., L. Mayer, J. Deming, J. Baross and R. Wheatcroft, 1990. Deep-sea deposit-feeding strategies suggested by environmental and feeding constraints. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London – A, 331:85-101.
  • Nutrient uptake by a deposit-feeding enteropneust: Nitrogenous sources
    Carey, D.A. and L.M. Mayer, 1990. Nutrient uptake by a deposit-feeding enteropneust: Nitrogenous sources. Marine Ecology – Progress Series, 63:79-84.For more information: Download file (PDF)
  • Extracellular proteolytic activity in the sediments of an intertidal mudflat
    Mayer, L.M. 1989. Extracellular proteolytic activity in the sediments of an intertidal mudflat. Limnology and Oceanography. 34:973-981.For more information: Download file (PDF)
  • The nature and determination of non-living sedimentary organic matter as a food source for deposit feeders
    Mayer, L.M. 1989. The nature and determination of non-living sedimentary organic matter as a food source for deposit feeders. IN: The Ecology of Deposit Feeders (Lopez, G., Taghon, G., and Levinton, J., Eds.), Springer, pp. 98-113.
  • Design and fabrication of a fluff layer sampler
    Mayer, L.M., G. Gust, J. Riley, T. Christensen, and D. Schick. 1988. Design and fabrication of a fluff layer sampler, NURP Undersea Research Symposium Proceedings (Babb, I. and M. Deluca, Eds.), pp. 215-224.
  • The role of nepheloid layers in benthic-pelagic coupling
    Dortch, Q.D., R. Townsend, R. Spinrad, and L. Mayer. 1988. The role of nepheloid layers in benthic-pelagic coupling. ibid., pp. 181-203.
  • Provenance, concentrations, and nature of sedimentary organic nitrogen in the Gulf of Maine
    Mayer, L., S. Macko, and L. Cammen. 1988. Provenance, concentrations, and nature of sedimentary organic nitrogen in the Gulf of Maine. Marine Chemistry 25:291-304.
  • Geochemistry of chromium in the oceans
    Mayer, L.M. 1988. Geochemistry of chromium in the oceans. IN: Chromium in the Natural and Human Environments (Nriagu, J. and E. Nieboer, Eds.), Wiley, pp. 173-187.
  • The interaction of tidal currents on a disturbed intertidal bottom with a resulting change in particulate matter quantity, texture, and food quality
    Anderson, F.E. and L.M. Mayer. 1986. The interaction of tidal currents on a disturbed intertidal bottom with a resulting change in particulate matter quantity, texture, and food quality. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 22:19-29.
  • Measurement of protein in nearshore marine sediments
    Mayer, L.M., L.L. Schick, and F. Setchell. 1986. Measurement of protein in nearshore marine sediments. Marine Ecology – Progress Series 30:159-165.For more information: Download file (PDF)
  • Retention of Co-60 by the sediments of Montsweag Bay, Maine
    Murray, S. and L.M. Mayer. 1986. Retention of Co-60 by the sediments of Montsweag Bay, Maine. Marine Environmental Research 18:29-41.
  • Biological and granulometric controls on organic matter of an intertidal mudflat
    Mayer, L.M., P. Rahaim, W. Guerin, S.A. Macko, L. Watling, and F.E. Anderson. 1985. Biological and granulometric controls on organic matter of an intertidal mudflat. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 20:491-503.
  • Molecular weight distribution of dissolved organic materials in seawater determined by ultrafiltration: a re-examination
    Carlson, D.J., M.L. Brann, T.H. Mague, and L.M. Mayer. 1985. Molecular weight distribution of dissolved organic materials in seawater determined by ultrafiltration: a re-examination. Marine Chemistry 16:155-172.
  • Geochemistry of humic substances in estuarine environments
    Mayer, L.M. 1985. Geochemistry of humic substances in estuarine environments. IN: Humic Substances in Soil, Sediments, and Water: Geochemistry, Isolation and Characterization. (G. Aiken, D. McKnight, R. Wershaw, and P. MacCarthy, Eds.), Wiley, pp. 211-232.
  • Seasonal and spatial variability of particulate matter of a muddy intertidal flood front
    Anderson, F.E. and L.M. Mayer. 1984. Seasonal and spatial variability of particulate matter of a muddy intertidal flood front. Sedimentology 31:383-394.
  • Incorporation of trivalent chromium into riverine and estuarine colloidal material
    Mayer, L.M., L.L. Schick, and C.A. Chang. 1984. Incorporation of trivalent chromium into riverine and estuarine colloidal material. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 48:1717-1722.
  • Relationships between bacteria and grain surfaces in intertidal sediments
    DeFlaun, M.F. and L.M. Mayer. 1983. Relationships between bacteria and grain surfaces in intertidal sediments. Limnology and Oceanography 28:873-881.For more information: Download file (PDF)
  • Relative influences of riverine and macroalgal phenolic materials on UV absorbance in temperate coastal waters
    Carlson, D.J. and L.M. Mayer. 1983. Relative influences of riverine and macroalgal phenolic materials on UV absorbance in temperate coastal waters. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 40:1258-1263.
  • Specific surface areas in coastal sediments: Relationships with other textural factors
    Mayer, L.M. and P.M. Rossi. 1982. Specific surface areas in coastal sediments: Relationships with other textural factors. Marine Geology 45:241-252.
  • Retention of riverine iron in estuaries
    Mayer, L.M. 1982. Retention of riverine iron in estuaries. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta (1982) 46:1003-1009.
  • Carbon inputs to bivalve mollusks: A comparison of two estuaries
    Incze, L.S., L.M. Mayer, E.B. Sherr, and S.A. Macko. 1982. Carbon inputs to bivalve mollusks: A comparison of two estuaries. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 39:1348-1352.
  • Aggregation of colloidal iron during estuarine mixing: Kinetics, mechanism, and seasonality
    Mayer, L.M. 1982. Aggregation of colloidal iron during estuarine mixing: Kinetics, mechanism, and seasonality. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 46:2527-2535.
  • Hypolimnetic redox and phosphorus cycling in hypereutrophic Lake Sebasticook, Maine
    Mayer, L.M., F.P. Liotta, and S.A. Norton. 1982. Hypolimnetic redox and phosphorus cycling in hypereutrophic Lake Sebasticook, Maine. Water Research 16:1189-1196.
  • The distribution of bromine in coastal sediments and its use as a source indicator for organic matter
    Mayer, L.M., S.A. Macko, W.H. Mook and S.M. Murray. 1981. The distribution of bromine in coastal sediments and its use as a source indicator for organic matter. Organic Geochemistry 3:37-42.
  • Removal of hexavalent chromium from estuarine waters by model substrates and natural sediments
    Mayer, L.M. and L. L. Schick. 1981. Removal of hexavalent chromium from estuarine waters by model substrates and natural sediments. Environmental Science and Technology (1981) 15:1482-1484.For more information: Download file (PDF)
  • A temporal and spatial study of mudflat texture
    Anderson, F.E., L. Black, L. Mayer, and L. Watling. 1981. A temporal and spatial study of mudflat texture. Northeastern Geology 3:184-191.
  • A temporal and spatial study of mudflat erosion and deposition
    Anderson, F.E., L. Black, L. Watling, W. Mook, and L. Mayer. 1981. A temporal and spatial study of mudflat erosion and deposition. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology 51:729-736.
  • Buffering of silica and phosphate in a turbid river
    Mayer, L.M. and S. Gloss. 1980. Buffering of silica and phosphate in a turbid river. Limnology and Oceanography 25:12-22.For more information: Download file (PDF)
  • Loss of calcareous microfossils in sediments through gypsum formation
    Schnitker, D., L.M. Mayer, and S.A. Norton. 1980. Loss of calcareous microfossils in sediments through gypsum formation. Marine Geology 36:M35-M44.
  • Chemiluminescence analysis of free trivalent chromium in seawater
    Chang, C.A., H.H. Patterson, L.M. Mayer, and D.E. Bause. 1980. Chemiluminescence analysis of free trivalent chromium in seawater. Analytical Chemistry 52:1264-1267.
  • Enrichment of dissolved phenolic material in the surface microlayer of coastal waters
    Carlson, D.J. and L.M. Mayer. 1980. Enrichment of dissolved phenolic material in the surface microlayer of coastal waters. Nature 286:482-483.
  • Granulometric control of chromium accumulation in estuarine sediments in Maine
    Mayer, L.M. and L.K. Fink. 1980. Granulometric control of chromium accumulation in estuarine sediments in Maine. Estuarine and Coastal Marine Science 11:491-503.
  • Reservoir influences on salinity and nutrient fluxes in the arid Colorado River Basin
    Gloss, S.P., R.C. Reynolds, Jr., L.M. Mayer, and D.E. Kidd. 1980. Reservoir influences on salinity and nutrient fluxes in the arid Colorado River Basin. IN: Proceedings of the Symposium on Surface-Water Impoundments ASCE, 1618-1629.
  • Advective control of nutrient dynamics in the epilimnion of a large reservoir
    Gloss, S., L.M. Mayer, and D.E. Kidd. 1980. Advective control of nutrient dynamics in the epilimnion of a large reservoir. Limnology and Oceanography 25:219-228.For more information: Download file (PDF)
  • Chemical sampling in lakes and sediments with dialysis bags
    Mayer, L.M. 1976. Chemical sampling in lakes and sediments with dialysis bags. Limnology and Oceanography 21:909-912.For more information: Download file (PDF)
  • An x-ray technique for distinguishing between the detrital and secondary quartz in the fine-grained fraction of sedimentary rocks
    Eslinger, E., L.M. Mayer, T. Durst, J. Hower, and S. Savin. 1973. An x-ray technique for distinguishing between the detrital and secondary quartz in the fine-grained fraction of sedimentary rocks. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology 43:540-543.