Kazu Temple

Contact Information

Phone: 650-796-7851

CV: Temple CV (PDF)

Email: Forrest.temple@maine.edu

Address: Hitchner Hall, room 239

Advisor: Dr. Ian Bricknell


M.S. Marine Biology, University of Maine, current
B.S. Marine Science, concentration in Marine Biology, University of Maine, 2021


I am a graduate student under Ian Bricknell. I work as a graduate teaching assistant as well as work in a lab setting conducting research on the physiology and thermal tolerance of horseshoe crabs. I graduated from the University of Maine, Orono in May of 2021 with a degree in marine science with a concentration in marine biology. I was also a full time athlete on the UMaine Men’s Swimming & Diving team where I earned several team records. My graduate work has enabled me to help new and incoming students as they figure out what they would like to pursue in college as well as enabled me to spend more hands-on time in the lab researching my own questions about the mysteries of marine life. I have been fortunate enough to work with animals like decapods and crustaceans, zebra fish and horseshoe crabs. I am looking forward to continuing my education and seeing where it takes me.