Denise Skonberg
Contact Information
Phone: 207.581.1639
Address: 104 Hitchner Hall
Ph. D. University of Washington, 1997
Professional Interests: Seafood by-product utilization; processing effects on seafood quality; value added product development; aquaculture products.
Teaching: FSN 396, Field Experience, FSN 425 Contemporary Issues in the Food Industry, FSN 440 Utilization of Aquatic Food Products, FSN 450 Food Biotechnology, FSN 482/483 Food Chemistry and Laboratory, FSN 520 Food Product Development
Research Interests
The overall goal of my research program is to apply food science principles to improve the economic and environmental sustainability of the seafood sector. Fundamentally, it is about reducing waste, optimizing the use of valuable aquatic resources, and developing high quality & healthful seafood products. Current research projects include: 1) isolating functional products and/or bioactive compounds from the invasive green crab and from crustacean processing waste, 2) assessing the potential for minimal processing methods (sous vide & high pressure processing) to produce refrigeration-stable, safe, high quality seafood, and 3) developing value-added food products from farm-raised seaweed.
Recent Publications
Hughes, B.H.; Perkins, L.B.; Yang, T.C.; Skonberg, D.I. 2016. Impact of post-rigor high pressure processing on the physicochemical and microbial shelf-life of cultured red abalone (Haliotis rufescens). Food Chem. 194:487-494.
Hughes, B.H.; Greenberg, N.J.; Yang, T.C.; Skonberg, D.I. 2015. Effects of rigor status during high-pressure processing on the physical qualities of farm-raised abalone (Haliotis rufescens). J. Food Sci. 80:C40-C48.
Hughes, B.H.; Muzzy, H.M.; Laliberte, L.C.; Grenier, H.S.; Perkins, L.B.; Skonberg, D.I. 2012. Oxidative stability and consumer acceptance of fish oil fortified nutrition bars. J. Food Sci. 77:S329-S334.
Crowe, K.M.; Skonberg, D.; Bushway, A.; Baxter, S. 2012. Application of ozone sprays as a strategy to improve the microbial safety and quality of salmon fillets. Food Control 25:464-468.
Hughes, B.H.; Perkins, L.B.; Calder, B.L.; Skonberg, D.I. 2012. Fish oil fortification of soft goat cheese. J. Food Sci. 77:S128-S133.