Fei Chai, Ph.D.

Contact Information

Phone: 207.581.4317

Email: fchai@maine.edu

5706 Aubert Hall
Orono, ME  04469-5706


Ph.D. in Ocean Science, Duke University, 1995


I study how physical and biological processes contribute to the carbon cycle, and how the biological pump transfers carbon into the deep ocean. My current research interests include: developing and testing physical-biological models in several regions, the equatorial Pacific and the coast of Peru, the Gulf of Maine, and the Arabian Sea; studying the nutrient transport from the interior ocean to the surface by the ocean circulation and mixing processes; assimilating satellite information into the physical-biological models, such as sea surface temperature and surface ocean color. Much of my work has been interdisciplinary, emphasizing physical and biological oceanography. I am also interested in using the state of-the-art supercomputing power for the large scale ecosystem models.


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