Emma Dullaert

Contact Information

Phone: 802-363-3810

CV: Dullaert CV (PDF)

Email: emma.dullaert@maine.edu

Address: Aubert Hall, room 343

Advisors: Lee Karp-Boss and Jeffrey Runge


M.S. Oceanography, University of Maine, current
B.S. Marine Science, University of Maine, 2021


I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in marine science with concentrations in oceanography and marine biology from the University of Maine in the spring of 2021. Throughout my undergraduate career, I worked with Lee Karp-Boss on photo-identification of phytoplankton and zooplankton. I had a brief stint researching fish and human dimensions in the Western Passage in the summer of 2019, leading to my first publication. For my capstone project I worked with Lee and Jeff Runge on a project investigating spatial and temporal patterns in zooplankton biomass in the Gulf of Maine, using data from MBON (marine biodiversity observation network). I am currently pursuing a master’s degree in oceanography. My work for my master’s thesis will be an extension of my undergraduate capstone project. I will be looking primarily at zooplankton community composition and biological changes related to a regime shift in the Gulf of Maine.