Sarah Risley

Contact Information

Phone: 615-585-2310

CV: Risley CV (PDF)


Lab website: Leslie Lab & Stoll Lab

Address: 193 Clarks Cove Road, Walpole, ME 04573

Advisors: Dr. Heather Leslie & Dr. Joshua Stoll


M.S. Marine Biology, University of Maine, current
B.A. Environmental Studies, Skidmore College, 2013


For my dual Masters in Marine Biology and Marine Policy at UMaine I am studying how and why Maine’s intertidal shellfisheries and estuarine ecosystems are changing through time. I am using integrated biological field studies, participatory mapping and semi-structured interviews to document the status of shellfish populations and their associated fisheries. Broadly, I am also interested in studying small-scale fisheries and how they can support resilient coastal communities and food systems.