Julek Chawarski

Contact Information

Email:  julian.chawarski@maine.edu

Lab website: Link to GMRI Staff Profile

Address: Gulf of Maine Research Institute – Portland, ME

Advisor:  Dr. Gayle Zydlewski


M.S. Marine Biology, University of Maine, 2018
B.S. Biology, George Washington University


Under the advisory of Dr. Graham Sherwood and Dr. Gayle Zydlewski, I am working on a Saltonstall-Kennedy grant funded project investigating the efficacy of Marine Protected Areas on the age structure and resilience of groundfish stocks. My current focus is on the Cashes Ledge closure and it’s effect on the age structure and spatial distribution of Atlantic cod in relation to essential fish habitat. I also work on several projects at GMRI in which I employ a combination of biological sampling and active acoustic surveying to study groundfish and pelagic forage fish in the Gulf of Maine.