

Responses of Canada lynx, snowshoe hares, spruce grouse, and forest songbirds to forest management in commercially managed landscapes in the northeastern U.S.

Maine has the largest population of U.S. federally threatened Canada lynx in the lower 48 states, which specialize on the snowshoe hare as a primary prey species. Maine’s forests support the largest spruce grouse population in the eastern U.S., and with >50% of the spruce-fir forest in the coterminous U.S., these forests provide >95% of […]

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Characterizing the Gulf of Maine Flyway and integrating ecology, physiology, and behavior to understanding links between Maine’s natural resources and wildlife

The overall goals are to increase our understanding of the Gulf of Maine flyway system through identifying the breeding populations of birds occurring there and by studying the links among energetic condition, available resources, and movement. Identifying important stopover and roosting sites for shorebirds is critical to coastal area management. The activities outlined in the […]

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Multi-scale landscape manipulations and the impact on Maine’s avian communities

The single defining challenge to our modern biological resources is one of rapid landscape evolution. To manage these impacts and make informed choices concerning the tradeoffs between biological conservation, economic prosperity, and the Maine way(s) of life, we need to understand what species and communities are most at risk to different disturbances. The proposed project […]

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