Climate and the Environment

MAFES provides funding to support seven publications

The Maine Agricultural and Forest Experiment Station (MAFES) has restarted it’s publication funding program after a two-year pause. We are proud to announce that with the first cycle of 2024 funding, MAFES has supported seven peer-reviewed publications. These publications reflect the diverse research programs supported by the Experiment Station (see below). A second 2024 funding […]

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Multi-scale landscape manipulations and the impact on Maine’s avian communities

The single defining challenge to our modern biological resources is one of rapid landscape evolution. To manage these impacts and make informed choices concerning the tradeoffs between biological conservation, economic prosperity, and the Maine way(s) of life, we need to understand what species and communities are most at risk to different disturbances. The proposed project […]

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mountaintop lake

Assessing the effects of climate change on Maine’s lake water quality

Drinking water districts are facing challenges with the changing climate. Across Maine, there are more than 40 surface freshwater sources used for drinking water; 10 of these (including Bangor and Portland) are not filtered as part of the treatment process. Increasing lake water temperatures and DOC concentrations will alter biological activity in Maine’s lakes, yet […]

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Bear Brook Watershed

Forest soils of Maine in an environment of change

The underlying biogeochemical processes that support forest ecosystem function and, therefore, the ecosystem services they provide, are not adequately understood. This leads to uncertainties in the sustainability of ecosystem services (e.g., the sustainability of forests with increased use for biomass energy, the continued supply of high-quality freshwater from lakes and streams in a changing climate) […]

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Penobscot River

Sustaining aquatic resources and ecological resilience in Maine watersheds

The “quality of place” that defines Maine is represented by a diverse landscape mosaic containing innumerable lakes, rivers, and streams that offer prime outdoor recreational opportunities, provide clean water, and support aquatic biodiversity. Unfortunately, too many of these aquatic resources are either currently degraded or at risk of impairment from human activities. With over 1,000 […]

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mountaintop lake

Protecting cultural resources with rapid environmental change

There is global evidence of rapid environmental change as the result of climate change and in some cases introduction of invasive species. The environmental changes are often particularly severe to socially, economically, and disadvantaged populations with strong connections to natural resources for cultural, spiritual, economical, and health reasons. This research will bring diverse groups together […]

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tree canopy

Carbon dynamics and climate-growth relationships in Maine’s Acadian Forest ecosystem

Forests and forest products are critical part of Maine’s economy. Maintaining productive forests in the face of climate change and uncertain future conditions requires an understanding of how forests have responded to past disturbances and stresses, including climate extremes. Establishing the link between past stresses and forest productivity is key to devising management strategies that […]

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forest scene

Evaluating the influence of climate change, natural disturbance, and management on future forest structure and composition

Recent advances in computer technology, forest data, and remote sensing have enhanced the ability to make both short- and long-term projections of future forest conditions. These computer-simulation tools allow both researchers and natural resource professionals to evaluate alternative forest-management strategies, test the sensitivity of the system to various factors, and conduct financial assessments. However, these […]

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