Jay Wason


? Climate change, ?Ecology, ? Environmental sciences, ? Forests

Wason studies the physiological adaptations of trees to determine how they will respond to anticipated northeastern climate conditions including changes in growth, photosynthesis, resource allocation, and survival. Visit Wason’s biography to learn more.

A bubble chart demonstrating a 50% research 50% teaching appointment split.
Wason balances time between teaching (50%) courses about forest biology, the structure and function of woody plants, and tree physiology, and research (50%) on the physiological adaptations of trees to determine how they will respond to novel climate conditions including changes in growth, photosynthesis, resource allocation, and survival.

Appointment details

Wason’s work is supported by:

  • School of Forest Resources at the College of Natural Sciences, Forestry and Agriculture
  • Maine Agricultural and Forest Experiment Station

Experiment Station contributions

  • Current project: Ecology and physiology of forest tree responses to environmental change. McIntire-Stennis project number ME042121.