Andrei Alyokhin


🚜 Agriculture, πŸ•Έ Ecology, βˆ† Evolution, 🍞 Food security, 🐞 Insects, πŸ› Pests and parasites, 🐝 Pollinators,Β πŸ₯” Potatoes

Alyokhin is an entomologist whose research melds the fields of ecology, evolution and pest management in staple crops to strengthen food security.Β His research aims to predict the effect of human intervention, like insecticides, in insect communities and how those communities will respond. He also studies the factors responsible for growth and diversity of insect populations. Visit Alyokhin’s biographyΒ to learn more.

A bubble graph showing a 70% research and 30% teaching appointment split.
Alyokhin balances his time between teaching (30%) courses about entomology, biological invasions, and evolution, and researching (70%) beneficial and destructive insects.

Appointment details

Alyokhin’s work is supported by:

  • School of Biology and Ecology at the College of Natural Sciences, Forestry and Agriculture
  • Maine Agricultural and Forest Experiment Station (MAFES)

Experiment Station contributions

Collaborative Potato Breeding and Variety Development Activities to Enhance Farm Sustainability in the Eastern US

McIntire-Stennis project number ___.

1-2 sentence project description. What are you trying to understand and what are the implications of these findings? What are the key takeaways?

Harnessing Chemical Ecology to Address Agricultural Pest and Pollinator Priorities

McIntire-Stennis project number ___.

1-2 sentence project description. What are you trying to understand and what are the implications of these findings? What are the key takeaways?