Bank of Nova Scotia https://www.scotiabank.com/global/en/global-site.html
Bar Harbor Bank & Trust https://www.barharbor.bank/
Cape Bald Packers Cape Seafood https://capebaldpackers.com/
Ducktrap River of Maine & Big Claw Wine http://ducktrap.com/
First National Bank https://www.thefirst.com/
High Liner Foods https://www.highlinerfoods.com/en/home/default.aspx
InlandSeafood https://www.inlandseafood.com/categories/seafood
Lobster Council of Canada http://lobstercouncilcanada.ca/
Lobster Fishermen’s of PEI Marketing Board https://peifa.org/
Maine Dept of Marine Resources https://me.gov/dmr
Maine Lobster Now https://www.mainelobsternow.com
Maine Salt Company https://www.mainesalt.com/
Maine Sea Grant https://seagrant.umaine.edu/
Mariner Beverages https://marinerbeverages.com/
National Bank of Canada https://www.nbc.ca/personalhome.html
PEI Fishermen’s Association https://peifa.org/members/
Ready Seafood Company https://www.readyseafood.com/
Royal Bank of Canada https://www.rbc.com/canada.html
Shediac Lobster http://www.shediaclobster.ca/
UMaine Can-Am Center https://umaine.edu/canam/
UMaine Credit Union https://www.ucu.maine.edu/
UMaine Foundation https://umainefoundation.org/
UNI Financial Corp. https://www.uni.ca/en/
Below is a list of donors and business members that have supported the Lobster Institute in Fiscal Year 21 (July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2020) at the $100 level or more.
While based at the University of Maine, the Lobster Institute receives only partial financial support from the University. We must raise a portion of salaries, and all of our operating, research, and programming dollars. We truly appreciate the support of our partners that keep our doors open and make our work possible.
If you would like to see your name or business listed here, please donate today…as a contributor, a business member, or a sponsor.

A. C., Inc. http://accarverinc.com/
Bottom Dollar, Inc.
Brooks Trap Mill https://www.brookstrapmill.com/
Bruce Fernald
Chrismar, Inc.
Colbert Seafood Company
Conary Cove Lobster Company
Cranberry Isles Fisherman’s Co-op
David Riddle
David Sullivan
Dennis Colbert
DiMillo’s Floating Restaurant https://www.dimillos.com/
F/V Voyager
F. W. Thurston Co., Inc.
Dr. George Holmes
Hamilton Marine, Inc. https://hamiltonmarine.com/
Heather Leslie
Herbert O. Hodgkins
Inland Seafood
Jack Merrill
John Reeves
John Sylvester
Lobster Trap Co., Inc. http://www.lobstertrap.net/
Look Lobster Company, Inc. https://www.lookslobster.com/
Louis & Edie King
Maine Lobster Marketing Collaborative
Massachusetts Lobstermen’s Association, Inc.
Nancy J., Inc.
Oqunquit Lobster Pound
Palombo Fishing Corporation.
Dr. Ray J. Nichols, Jr.
Robert Beck Solebury Studio https://www.robertbeck.net/mbrpurchase.php
Robert Brown
Rugosa Tours, Inc. https://rugosalobstertours.com/
Swans Island Fisherman’s Cooperative
Trebloc Seafood, Inc