Ecosystem-Based Management

Reflections on marine spatial planning in the Gulf of Maine

On October 5, 2011, three members of our group – Marcy Cockrell, Kara Woo, and Bridgette Black – attended the second annual research conference held by the Research Association for Research on the Gulf of Maine (RARGOM) in Portsmouth, NH. The major theme for the conference was “The nexus between climate change and marine spatial […]

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New NSF project to study social-ecological linkages in coastal Mexico

Functioning coastal and marine ecosystems produce a wide array of benefits to society, including food production, protection from coastal storms, and opportunities for recreation and tourism. Stewardship to ensure continued provision of these benefits requires understanding the connections between ecosystems and the people who are part of them. Brown junior faculty Heather Leslie and Sri Nagavarpu […]

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Conservation scientists need to think bigger

Sandy Andelman of Conservation International offers a compelling perspective piece, based on more than 20 years in the field, on why conservation scientists need to move away from business as usual, in our science, our communication, and our on the ground action. Download or read the  Nature article at

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See for more information. The 9 priority objectives of the NOP can be divided into two categories: “How we do business” and “ Special Emphasis”. The first includes Ecosystem-Based Management, Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning, Inform Decisions and Improve Understanding, Coordination and Support, and Ocean Coastal and Great Lakes Observations Mapping and Infrastructure. The […]

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New England says, National Ocean Policy plans should be ‘plans to act’

On Monday, June 27 in Exeter, NH the National Ocean Council (NOC) held a regional listening session to solicit feedback regarding the nine priority objectives of the developing National Ocean Policy (NOP), along with the outlines of the related strategic action plans. For more information on these SAPs click here. Read more… The National Ocean […]

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Northeast data portal launched!

On behalf of its partners, the Northeast Regional Ocean Council is pleased to announce the launch of the Northeast Ocean Data Portal – The data, map viewer, and other tools included with the Northeast Ocean Data Portal are the result of over a year’s worth of extensive effort of multiple organizations with data development experience […]

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Comment now on developing ocean policy plan

The National Policy for the Stewardship of the Ocean, our Coasts, and the Great Lakes prioritizes nine objectives to address some of the most pressing challenges facing these precious resources. The National Ocean Council is overseeing development of strategic action plans for each of the nine objectives.  As a first step the National Ocean Council […]

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Heather reviews Natural Capital in Science

Natural Capital: Theory and Practice of Mapping Ecosystem Services, by Peter Kareiva, Heather Tallis, Taylor H. Ricketts, Gretchen C. Daily, and Stephen Polasky, Eds. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2011. 391 pp. ************************************************* The taste of fresh strawberries. The sounds of the surf and kids playing on a packed shoreline. Warm sun on your back as you kayak across the bay. These visceral summer experiences, just ahead […]

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Sheila Walsh on ecosystem services in practice

Read a recent interview with former Leslie Lab postdoc Sheila Walsh. Sheila’s now an ecosystem-services analyst on The Nature Conservancy’s Analysis Team in Central Science and talks with the interviewer about her emerging research and science application work on ecosystem services. Nice work, Sheila!

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Recommendations for the new national ocean policy

A team of experts led by Brown University has a plan to advance President Obama’s directive to manage the nation’s waters better. In a paper in Conservation Letters, Leila Sievanen and Heather Leslie – along with a number of other natural and social scientists – offer several recommendations based on a two-year investigation of marine management efforts […]

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