Climate Change

Connecting local and scientific knowledge

Earlier this spring, I traveled to La Paz, on the gulf coast of the Mexican state of Baja California Sur (BCS). It had been four years since I had last visited, in March 2020, as the pandemic was spreading across the globe. I was grateful to be able to travel with a close colleague and […]

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Tim Frawley headshot

Fishers’ resilence to climate impacts

Tim Frawley, Heather Leslie and other members of the MAREA+ team just published a new paper in Global Environmental Change. The study was funded by the National Science Foundation (Award BCS-2009821) and based on more than 10 years of fisheries data collected by fishermen and curated by the Mexican government. Learn more about the study here. 

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Indicators of Climate Resilience

Dr. Jessica Reilly-Moman, research affiliate in the Leslie Lab, recently gave a presentation on her research on social indicators of climate resilience to the MAREA+ network. This 20-minute presentation is particularly oriented towards researchers and practitioners working on enhancing community resilience to climate change impacts. Jess would greatly appreciate your feedback and questions. Specifically, do […]

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New ocean renewable energy project

Jess and Heather have been awarded funds from the Northeast Sea Grant Consortium to conduct social science that supports the coexistence of marine energy, including wind, current, tidal and wave energies, with Northeast fishing and coastal communities. Their project, Building Capacity for Participatory Approaches to Community Resilience and Ocean Renewable Energy Siting, will characterize values and beliefs […]

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New paper on intertidal alternate states

Menge, B. A., M. Bracken, J. Lubchenco, and H. M. Leslie. 2017. Alternative state? Experimentally-induced Fucus canopy persists 38 years in an Ascophyllum-dominated community. Ecosphere, doi: 10.1002/ecs2.1725. Experimental tests of the hypothesis that ecological communities can exist in “multiple stable states” are rare, and some argue, impossible, because of the unlikelihood that any system will […]

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New paper on small-scale fishers’ adaptive strategies

Environmental anthropologist Dr. Leila Sievanen, formerly a Leslie Lab postdoc, just published an article in Maritime Studies based on research conducted with Heather and others in Baja California Sur, Mexico. Download the paper at the open access journal, Maritime Studies View the Mexico project blog to learn more about the larger project and related publications  Citation: Sievanen, […]

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Coastal Resilience at AAAS

Hurricane Sandy was a fearsome reminder that coastal communities are highly vulnerable to extreme weather events and environmental variability and that vulnerability is only expected to increase with climate change. Brown University scientists Heather Leslie and Leila Sievanen, members of an interdisciplinary research team focused on human-environment interactions in coastal regions, discussed these challenges at […]

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