About the Lab

Reflections on coastal resilience

Coastal communities and the coastal marine ecosystems of which they are part are in jeopardy. Superstorm Sandy was one of the most examples of the powerful effects of coastal storms on people, property, and ecosystems in coastal areas. In the face of such storms and other pressures on coastal communities, what can be done? How […]

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Coastal Resilience at AAAS

Hurricane Sandy was a fearsome reminder that coastal communities are highly vulnerable to extreme weather events and environmental variability and that vulnerability is only expected to increase with climate change. Brown University scientists Heather Leslie and Leila Sievanen, members of an interdisciplinary research team focused on human-environment interactions in coastal regions, discussed these challenges at […]

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Resilience to climate change in coastal marine systems

Former Brown undergraduate Joey Bernhardt and Prof. Heather Leslie just published a synthetic review on ecological resilience to climate change in the Annual Review of Marine Science. The abstract follows; navigate to the site to see the full review, or contact Heather for a PDF.   Abstract. Ecological resilience to climate change is a combination […]

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Ecology-engineering partnership on renewable energy

A team of Brown University researchers has received a $750,000 grant to design an oscillating underwater wing that can capture energy from flowing water in rivers and tidal basins. The funding comes from the Department of Energy’s Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy (ARPA-E), which funds breakthrough technologies that show fundamental technical promise but are […]

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New website documents ecosystem-based management efforts

To help sustain ecosystems and their many benefits in coastal communities, researchers at Brown University, the University of Michigan, and Duke University have launched a new website with 65 case studies that highlight lessons learned from marine ecosystem-based management (MEBM) projects around the globe. These case studies are designed to show how MEBM can work […]

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Heather speaks out for science and the oceans

View Heather’s recent video on the importance of federal research funding for marine science. Thanks to The Science Coalition for inviting this contribution and Brown University’s Office of Public Affairs and University Relations for helping to make this possible.  

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Applying knowledge of human-ocean connections at the local scale

Heather Leslie, an interdisciplinary marine conservation scientist at Brown University, is investigating the importance of incorporating knowledge of humans’ varied connections to the marine environment, and integrating it into ocean policy and management. This post is based on her remarks at the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) annual meeting in Vancouver on […]

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Sarah and Joey awarded prizes at CERF

At the 2011 Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation (CERF) conference in November, Leslie Labber and Brown-MBL graduate student Sarah Corman received a student presentation award for her poster (3rd place) while former Leslie Lab RA and EEB undergraduate Joey Bernhardt (now at UBC) took home the 2nd place award in the oral presentation category. Nice […]

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New NSF project to study social-ecological linkages in coastal Mexico

Functioning coastal and marine ecosystems produce a wide array of benefits to society, including food production, protection from coastal storms, and opportunities for recreation and tourism. Stewardship to ensure continued provision of these benefits requires understanding the connections between ecosystems and the people who are part of them. Brown junior faculty Heather Leslie and Sri Nagavarpu […]

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Courtney’s coral reef art heads to DC

Leslie lab member Courtney Mattison is featured on the Brown News page this week! Courtney, a Brown University master’s candidate, unites her interests in art and environmental studies in her large-scale ceramic coral reef wall installation, on display this spring at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration headquarters in Washington, D.C. Under Secretary of Commerce […]

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