About the Lab

On the road for ocean science

Heather, in her role as Director of the University of Maine’s Darling Marine Center, will log considerable miles on land and sea Sept. 21–23 to discuss ocean science and ocean stewardship. Read more… 

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New director at Darling

As of August 1, 2015, I’ve taken on the Directorship of the Darling Marine Center, the University of Maine’s marine lab. I’m thrilled to be back in midcoast Maine and look forward to working with the Center community and our many collaborators to advance marine science, teaching and service on the coast of Maine. You […]

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Engaging in the Gulf

Former Leslie Lab member Katherine Siegel, now at research assistant with UC Santa Barbara’s Sustainable Fisheries group, authored this personal essay for Heather’s course on engaged environmental scholarship and communication. Read on to learn more about Katherine’s undergraduate research on the human and ecological dimensions of Mexican small-scale fisheries.  Arcángel sighed, pulled up his last […]

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Field notes from Loreto

The Hidden Nature of Baja, January 2015 The wind was blowing hard out of the north already at 8 AM and was predicted to increase. We squeezed into an old white pick up truck that Sara had already loaded with our gear, and drove south. The peaks of the Sierra de la Giganta hugged us […]

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Rocky shore work in Ecosphere

Leslie Lab members published results from a multi year study at 18 rocky shore sites from Maine to New York state in Ecosphere this week. Mussels could be the perfect ‘sentinel’ species to signal the health of coastal ecosystems. But a new study of blue mussels in estuary ecosystems along 600 kilometers of coastline in […]

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Heather named Leopold Fellow

I am thrilled to have been selected as a 2015 Leopold Leadership Fellow! Not only is it a great honor to join the network of fellows; it also is really exciting to have the intellectual space to focus on a new dimension of my research. My quest this year is to explore different perspectives on marine conservation […]

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Why do conservation science?

In her Oct 8 blog post, Karen McLeod of COMPASS wrote, “Being a scientist is more than a job – it’s a way of thinking, a way of living, a way of interacting with the world. For some of you, it is the best job in the world!  Our passion is clearly important, and yet … we […]

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Calling all conservation science students!

Do you know of great early grad students working in conservation and applied ecology?  We’re pulling together a proposal for an Organized Poster Session at next year’s centennial ESA meeting in Baltimore. The session will focus on “Ecological science that can make a difference in the real world.” Our goal is to provide a venue for students […]

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Recruiting a social-ecological systems postdoc

UPDATE: I’m no longer accepting applications for postdoc candidates for these competitions. A new call for postdocs will likely occur in mid June 2015. I encourage you to be in touch then. Best, HL   Applications are due November 1. The Leslie Lab at Brown University is recruiting postdoctoral research associates interested in empirical and […]

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Congratulations, Sarah!

Leslie Lab PhD student Sarah Crosby successfully defended her PhD dissertation, Salt Marshes in a Changing Climate, on August 25th. We’re fortunate that Sarah will continue with the lab this semester, thanks to recent awards from the US EPA STAR program and the Marine Biological Laboratory’s Watson Fellowship. Congratulations, Sarah!

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