About the Lab

Jess’ coastal resilience research

Airrows on Air interviews Leslie Lab PhD candidate Jessica Reilly-Moman in this podcast. They discuss how Jess’ cross-national perspective has given her insight on unique climate-related issues in different places, as well as their commonalities. With a mix of story and reflection, Jess shines a light on inequities as they relate to climate change and […]

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Soft shell clam taken by K Pellowe

Student shellfish poster recognized

Congratulations to Sarah Risley, Melissa Britsch, and Sara Swett for their award winning poster! They received honorable mention among the posters presented at the Maine Water and Sustainability Conference on April 1, 2021. Check out their poster, entitled, Integrating Local Ecological Knowledge and Scientific Knowledge to Understand Complex Relationships in Two Maine Estuaries, here. The […]

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Melissa on the water

Congratulations, Melissa!

Melissa defended her dual degree thesis earlier this month to a great Zoom crowd, and officially graduates in May 2021 from UMaine. Congratulations, Melissa! Check back in another few weeks for a link to her complete dissertation.

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Connecting co-management and ecosystem-based fisheries management

Leslie Lab lab alumna Marina Cucuzza, together with her co-advisors Heather Leslie and Joshua Stoll, just published a paper in Marine Policy on the conceptual connections between ecosystem-based fisheries management (EBFM) and fisheries co-management. While EBFM and fisheries co-management are not new ideas, growing interest in both compels reflection on the interplay of these concepts, even though they […]

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Soft shell clam taken by K Pellowe

Melissa & Sarah present shellfish study to Damariscotta selectmen

Graduate students Melissa Britsch and Sarah Risley reported on their ongoing study of local knowledge and environmental change in the Damariscotta and Medomak River Estuaries on December 16, 2020, as part of the Damariscotta Board of Selectmen’s meeting. To view a video of their 20 minute presentation, please click here. To read coverage in the […]

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Loreto Bay National Park

Study highlights diverse benefits of fisheries

Dr. Kara Pellowe, a former graduate student and postdoc in the Leslie Lab, just published her fourth and final dissertation chapter in Ambio. Kara conducted this newly published work in communities adjacent to Loreto Bay National Park, shown in the image above. She is now a postdoc at the Stockholm Resilience Centre. Congratulations, Kara! We are […]

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Coupled system course planned for 2021

The coupled systems course that Kara and Heather taught in Summer 2020 went really well, and so we are gearing up to do it again in Summer 2021. Contact Kara at kara.pellowe@su.se if you’d like to learn more. Marine science course connects distant students of sustainability science

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Engaged research in Baja

Heather and Kara joined other members of the MAREA team in La Paz, Mexico earlier this year, to share our findings to date on the human and environmental dimensions of small-scale fisheries in the state of Baja California Sur. These conversations were an opportunity for fisheries managers, scientists and fishermen to share their thoughts on […]

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