Calling all conservation science students!

Do you know of great early grad students working in conservation and applied ecology?  We’re pulling together a proposal for an Organized Poster Session at next year’s centennial ESA meeting in Baltimore. The session will focus on “Ecological science that can make a difference in the real world.” Our goal is to provide a venue for students engaged in conservation science and applied ecology to showcase their work.

If you have someone who would fit the bill, please ask him/her to send an email to with the title ‘ESAConSci’ by 10 PM, Sunday, September 21. 

As part of the session proposal, due September 25, we need to include names of provisional poster presenters. The primary author should be a grad student, ideally in the first or second year.  Note that the one presentation rule will apply.

If we are successful with this proposal, we will do our best to recruit a team of leading conservation practitioners to visit and review the posters and provide feedback, perhaps in a panel format later in the meeting. We also are exploring awarding a prize for ‘best poster.’

Interested students should send HL an email with the following information:

1. A likely title for the poster (not definitive),

2. A few sentences describing the topic

3. A list of all likely authors and affiliations

4. A statement identifying the educational stage of the primary, student author (undergraduate / first year grad student, etc).

5. One criterion by which ESA will evaluate this proposal is whether it offers ‘range of perspectives… and a diverse mix of speakers.’ Any details you can provide that relate to this theme would be great.

Thank you in advance for your help! We hope to see you in Baltimore in 2015,

Heather Leslie & Paul Armsworth

(Brown Univ and Univ of Tennessee, respectively)