International Student Association

UMaine’s vibrant international community is represented by the International Student Association. ISA was founded many years ago opening a doorway to the world to UMaine and preparing UMaine students for the world. It was formerly known as the International Club and is one of the most active clubs on campus. ISA is one of the largest and most active organizations. ISA serves as a network and a support base for all other internationally-focused clubs.  ISA is a Community Board under the UMaine Student Government.

President Ferrini-Mundy with ISA officers from left to right Zahra Farahmand (treasurer)

The purpose of the International Student Association (ISA) is to bring International Students together as a unit and organize various activities which will not only enrich our lives but also the lives of those surrounding us.

Elections for Officers are held at Coffee Hour on the second Friday of April of each year.

Individual ISA Officer Requirements

Since the 1970’s the International Student Association has been one of the largest and most active student groups at UMaine.  We need strong and dedicated leaders to continue this tradition.  Undergraduate students are encouraged to run for President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary, while Graduate Students are encouraged to run for Graduate Adviser. These stipulations are in accordance with UMaine Student Government policy.  In addition, the Treasurer cannot  be a member of the Student Senate.

Nomination period: March 22-29

Campaign Week: April 1-5

Candidate Speeches at Coffee Hour: April 5

Election Day:  April 5

The President is a paid position that requires 5 hours during the week (including attending ISA and Senate meetings) for a small weekly stipend. The main responsibility of the president is to lead the ISA in providing appropriate activities to fulfill the club’s mission of providing support to international & multicultural students and educating campus entities on diversity and internationalism. Excellent leadership, communication, and time management, teamwork skills are required to carry out the following examples of presidential duties:

  • Create and distribute the weekly agenda for club meetings
  • Run club meetings and ensure that the agenda is followed
  • Provide guidance to executive board members and work to create positive group dynamics.
  • Delegate duties to executive board members when appropriate and make sure that the delegated duties are carried out in an appropriate and timely manner
  • Represent the ISA as a student organization to Student Government and other campus groups.
  • Support the planning and execution of all ISA events
  • Set an example to other executive board members for appropriate behavior such as attendance at meetings and events

The vice-president is expected to assist all officers with their duties as required. Excellent leadership, communication, time management, and teamwork skills are required. The qualifications are:

  • Fill any of the ISA officers positions listed when officers are absent
  • Assist and support the president and other officers
  • Support the planning and execution of all ISA events which includes attendance
  • Represent ISA at  Executive Budgetary Committee (EBC) and/or General Student Senate meetings if other ISA officers are unavailable

The secretary is primarily responsible for communication of ISA business within the Executive Board and to the members. Communication skills, time management and teamwork skills are essential. The qualifications are:

  • Take minutes (taking notes of all proceedings at club meetings)
  • Distribute and/or upload these notes into the ISA officers’ folder
  • Create and distribute flyers for ISA sponsored events (i.e., coffee hour, Oronoka, etc.)
  • Support the planning and execution of all ISA events which includes attendance
  • Represent ISA at Executive Budget Committee (EBC) and/or General Student Senate meetings if other ISA officers are unavailable

The treasurer is responsible for ISA’s finances. Public speaking, communication skills, time management and meticulous attention to detail are essential. The treasurer should write grant proposal for fund request to Student Government, Programming Fund and Residence Hall Association (RHA). Preferably, Finance major background.

  • Organize and manage update financial records
  • In charge of collecting and/or depositing funds in the bank
  • Submit requests for funds to the Student Government, Programming Fund, Residence Hall Association (RHA) or other campus organization on time
  • Attend meetings of the Student Government such as Executive Budget Committee (EBC), General Student Senate and RHA Committee Meeting
  • Speak to the General Student Senate about the request for funding
  • Support the planning and execution of all ISA events which includes attendance

The Graduate Student Liaison (GSL) serves as the link between the international graduate student community and the ISA Executive Board.  The GSL represents the needs of graduate students during the activities planning process to ensure that ISA programs are appropriate for both undergraduate and graduate students.  The GSL also serves as a mentor to the Executive Board when needed and can assist with establishing open communication and healthy group dynamics among the leadership team.




Each Fall Semester, the Office of International Programs and International Student Association host Culturefest, a daylong celebration of cultures with country/culture exhibits, food court, and style show. For more information, visit the Culturefest page.


Coffee Hour

Coffee Hour is a social event sponsored by the International Student Association and Office of International Programs. It is usually held every Friday (except breaks) from 4:00 until 5:00 p.m. in the North Pod of the Marketplace during the fall and spring semesters. Some special events held during Coffee Hour include country and culture presentations, international food tasting, cooking competition, etc. It is a great way to meet other international and American students. Free refreshments are served.  See who is hosting Coffee Hour this semester.


International Dance Festival

Each Spring Semester, the Office of International Programs and International Student Association host International Dance Festival, a celebration of dance from around the world. For more information, visit the IDF page.

Searching For

We are also seeking a Public Relations officer, Community Liaisons, and other members to attend meetings and help to plan our events. All students whether international, local, undergraduate or graduate, are welcome to be involved in ISA! If you are interested in a position or in becoming a more active member, apply below!


We always like to hear from you. If you have any questions or feedback, please do not hesitate to let us know.

Tune into ISA President Weekly Office Hours


International Student Association
c/o Office of International Programs
300 Stodder Hall
Orono, ME 04469 U.S.A


Email [].