Tag: Creative

International Students at Rogers Farm

Rogers Farm Visit

In June, the students from the UMaine Intensive English Institute (IEI) visited Rogers Farm, one of several UMaine agricultural research stations. It was a day of experiential learning.  Kate Garland, UMaine Horticultural Professional, and Christina Lannan, Rogers Farm Enrichment Coordinator, showed IEI students pigments and watercolors made with the garden elements. Students looked at treasure […]

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International Students sampling local made maple syrup at a local sugar house on Maine Maple Sunday

Maine Maple Sunday Spring 2024

Mireille Le Gal, International Student and Scholar Advisor at OIP, led a group of international students to visit a local sugar house on Maine Maple Sunday in Clifton, ME. Trips, such as this one, are always a great learning experience for students and a wonderful opportunity to make new friends and connect with one another. […]

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Hirosaki Short-Term Program

UMaine IEI hosts English language program with Japanese partner for 23 consecutive years The UMaine Intensive English Institute (IEI) hosted a virtual English language program for students from Hirosaki University in Japan from Feb. 26–March 9, 2023. Tokuji Noro, professor in the Department of English, faculty of Education at Hirosaki University, recruited the students and […]

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