Learning Outcomes, MA and PhD

A graduate education in History at the University of Maine will equip students to be excellent researchers, writers, and teachers. Students who complete a graduate degree (MA or PhD) in our program will be able to:

• [Historiography] Recognize historiographic positions and arguments, summarize them fairly, situate differing views in relation to one another and the historical context(s) within which they arose, and explain the viewpoints and historiographic evolution of leading historical scholars. (HTY 647)

• [Independent Research] Independently identify and articulate a research question; explain the historical significance of the question and the issue(s) or condition(s) it concerns; assimilate and interpret relevant secondary literature and primary sources; design an appropriate methodological approach, including use of relevant databases available through Fogler Library and other research archives; and carry out the research plan thoroughly and expeditiously. (600-level research seminars and thesis/dissertation)

• [Writing and Presentation] Write clearly and persuasively, building historical arguments and narratives based on judicious use of secondary literature and primary sources that have been analyzed using appropriate methodologies; follow sound ethical standards in all aspects of their work, including using full and correct forms of historical source citation; appreciate the various modes of historical writing as they relate to different audiences; present research findings and historical understanding in interesting ways that communicate the value and meaning of history to scholars, students, and the lay public. (HTY 500-level seminars and INT 601)

• [Departmental Culture] Contribute to the scholarly community within the History Department, across the University of Maine, and among larger groups of scholars and students, by participating in departmental, campus, and off-campus events, supporting student-led initiatives, providing constructive criticism in classes, conferences, and other venues of scholarly exchange.

• [Teaching, for those who become TAs] Develop effective teaching strategies based on observation of and discussion with faculty mentors; evaluate students fairly and support their ongoing intellectual development; take advantage of pedagogical training and support available at UMaine, including teaching class sections and their own course, where appropriate.