Sudati Shrestha


Program/Department:   Molecular and Biomedical Sciences

Why did you decide to become a GSG senator?: GSG has been actively working to help graduate students by providing them with necessary grants and support, help organizing clubs and events, hence I want to be part of this incredible body and help my fellow graduate students in excelling their degree. I want to be able to bring in all the concerns and be the voice for my department.

How would you best serve your constituents?: Definitely by attending the meetings, giving my inputs and help in decision making for the betterment of the community/department.

Please tell us about your research or some fun facts about you:  I work in Kelley Lab, where we work with yeast cells and study cell signaling processes that can build a foundation to study mammalian cells since these signaling processes are conserved from yeast to humans. Besides research I love traveling, learning new cultures and trying different cuisines. I also like hiking, riding bikes and spending time with family.

How do you plan on communicating with your constituents?: Emails are great, and in person meeting if needed.