Graduation INformation
Congratulations, you are close to the end of this journey! Utilize the resources on this page to be sure that you remain on track to graduate with an advanced degree.
on this page
First Steps
You must complete the following steps to be awarded your diploma or certificate as appropriate. We encourage you to complete all of these steps well in advance of the deadlines to avoid any delays.
Review Your Transcript
Compare your transcript against your program of study and make sure the courses you needed to take match up with what you completed.
Check With Your Academic Unit
Verify that you will meet all the deadlines for final papers, projects, or other requirements (i.e. the Responsible Conduct of Research requirement if applicable).
Be enrolled for at least 1 credit
All students must be registered in the semester of graduation.
Review the deadlines & checklist
To be sure you are on track to graduate, review the deadlines for the upcoming graduation terms and find a helpful checklist of the required steps.
Apply to graduate
Students must apply to graduate within MaineStreet for the degree or certificate to be awarded. Follow the navigation instructions provided by the Office of Student Records.
submit your final updated program of study
Submit a final program of study if there have been significant changes in the courses you have taken. This includes courses to be transferred into your program.
Deadlines for Graduation Application
FEB. 1, 2025
May Graduation Deadline
JUL. 15, 2025
August Graduation Deadline
OCT. 1, 2025
December Graduation Deadline
thesis & dissertation resources
Those students who will be completing a written manuscript to fulfill their thesis or dissertation program requirements should utilize the thesis resources.
Doctoral students (EdD, EngD, and PhD) must also complete and submit the Survey of Earned Doctorates.
final graduation steps
completion of requirements
Communicate with your graduate coordinator and advisor to be sure that you have completed all of the requirements for your degree or certificate. The graduate coordinator will complete the Completion of Requirements form.
Final Transcripts
Once the Graduate School staff has received an updated Program of Study, the Completion of Requirements, and the final thesis (if applicable), they will audit the student record. The Office of Student Records issues transcripts and diplomas. If a transcript showing the degree conferred is required for employment or another academic institution, indicate it as such when requesting an official transcript through MaineStreet.
Diplomas & Certificates
The Office of Student Records issues diplomas once the Graduate School has performed a degree audit and are sent via mail approximately two months after the graduation date. Graduate certificates are mailed by the Graduate School.
Questions? Contact
Graduate School Commencement Ceremony
The Graduate School Commencement Ceremony occurs in May each year and recognizes graduating master’s, C.A.S., Ed.S., and doctoral candidates. Click the button below for more information.