Sheila Pendse receives a grant from USDA
Sustainable Energy Leaders of the Future (SELF) will be continuing for next 3 years (2021-2023) with a grant from USDA/NIFA’s Women and Minorities in Science (WAMS) program. Sheila Pendse is leading the faculty and staff from the departments of Forest Resources and Biomedical Engineering and Forest Bioproducts Research Institute.
The primary goal of the University of Maine’s Sustainable Energy Leaders of the Future (SELF) program is to “engage, mentor and prepare female high school students from rural communities in cutting-edge Forest BioProducts (FBP) research programs at the University of Maine.” The program targets approximately ten female high school sophomores each year from Maine’s predominantly rural school districts. Participants spend 3½ days on campus learning about renewable energy/forest bioproducts and issues relating to rural health.
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