Inaugural grant program awards $245,000 to interdisciplinary undergraduate research: projects include Drs. Kamath, Lichtenwalner, and Nayak
Among the projects receiving funding were:
“Risk of zoonotic disease from an iconic wildlife reservoir: An interdisciplinary approach”
Principal Investigator: Pauline Kamath, School of Food and Agriculture
Partners: Sandra De Urioste-Stone, Forest Resources; Anne Lichtenwalner, Food and Agriculture
Sector: Wildlife, Human Health
“Making Maine’s local food system sustainable: Opportunities to address hunger and reduce waste”
Principal Investigator: Deborah Saber, Nursing
Partners: Jean MacRae, Civil and Environmental Engineering; Cindy Isenhour, Anthropology; Balu Nayak, Food and Agriculture; Travis Blackmer, Economics; Linda Silka, Mitchell Center
For more information see: