
Researcher of the Week: Brian Preziosi

Brian Preziosi is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Maine and a SEANET Research Fellow in Theme 2: Changing Environments. Preziosi’s research is primarily concerned with environmental impacts on invertebrates, specifically looking at sediment acidification as it influences the behavior and health of adult razor clams in the state of Maine. This work has […]

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DMC Hosts SEA Fellows Symposium Aug. 7

“Students, researchers, fishermen, aquaculture entrepreneurs and other marine professionals will gather at the University of Maine Darling Marine Center 2-4:30 p.m. Aug. 7 for the third annual SEA Fellows Symposium. UMaine and University of Maine at Machias President Joan Ferrini-Mundy will welcome participants to the student-centered symposium at 2 p.m. in Brooke Hall on the […]

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Researcher of the Week: Kate Coupland

Kate Coupland is a graduate researcher in her fourth year of PhD work at the University of Maine’s Darling Marine Center (DMC) in Walpole, ME. In collaboration with her graduate studies, Coupland works as a SEANET Research Fellow in Theme 1: Carrying Capacity. Coupland’s research interests include the chemistry of Maine estuaries, ocean acidification and […]

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ME EPSCoR Announces SEANET Seed Grant Program Availability

Maine EPSCoR is pleased to announce the availability of the Sustainable Ecological Aquaculture Network (SEANET) SEED Grant program. The purpose of this program is to develop partnerships with organizations and institutions to increase K-20 STEM opportunities through outreach and education programs, and activities that are aligned with SEANET’s project’s research initiatives across the state of […]

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Researcher of the Week: Olga Bredikhina

Olga Bredikhina is a SEANET Research Fellow currently pursuing her Masters of Science in Economics at the University of Maine. Her interests in this field lie in behavioral economics, consumer decision-making, resource economics, and sustainability and econometric modeling, working under SEANET Theme Four, Human Dimensions. Bredikhina is originally from Moscow, Russia, and moved to the […]

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Researcher of the Week: Amy Bainbridge

Amy Bainbridge is a graduate student interested in ocean and coastal resource assessment, resource economics, econometric modeling, and GIS analysis, currently working under SEANET Theme Four, Human Dimensions. She received her Bachelor of Arts in English-Professional Writing, from The Ohio State University, and her Bachelor of Arts in Economics, from the University of Central Florida, […]

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Melissa Kimble woring on a computer at the Univeristy of Maine Library. She is sitting at table with her laptop with books on a shelf behind her.

Researcher of the Week: Melissa Kimble

Melissa Kimble is a Ph.D. student interested in spatial data uncertainty and data integration working under SEANET’s Carrying Capacity Theme. Kimble was a child of the Air Force, moving all around the country throughout her youth, but considers Alaska her home. She began her university studies in Anchorage but later transferred to Humboldt State University […]

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Maine Water Resources Research Institute Issues Request for Proposals

The Maine Water Resources Research Institute, through the Senator George J. Mitchell Center for Sustainability Solutions, recently released an RFP for the  FY19 Water Resources Sustainability Research Grants (USGS 104b) program. “With funding from the U.S. Geological Survey’s 104b program, the Maine Water Resources Research Institute (WRRI) in the Mitchell Center for Sustainability Solutions supports research […]

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Machias Elementary School Gets a Full STEM Experience with Maine EPSCoR

Laurie Bragg, ME EPSCoR’s Program and Outreach Manager, has been working with the Rose M. Gaffney Elementary School to engage fifth and sixth-grade students in marine-related STEM activities. Through this work, Bragg has supported various educational opportunities including, as of recently, a series of interactive lessons in the classroom and in the lab at the University […]

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