
Wooded rocky Maine coastline

Pairing eDNA and visual data to understand biodiversity along Maine’s coast

By Emma Beauregard, Even though the award period of the NSF EPSCoR Track-1 Maine-eDNA project comes to completion on December 31, 2024, the researchers involved remain as busy as ever going through data samples. One of these researchers is Yasmina Shah Esmaeili, a postdoctoral fellow bringing together previously collected data to reveal how kelp forest […]

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Maine-BRIDGE logo over blue and green gradient

NSF Maine Bridge Partner Scientist Statement of Interest

Dear STEM Leaders, My name is Leonard Kenyon, and I am a STEM Education Specialist at the Maine Mathematics and Science Alliance (MMSA). I’m reaching out to share an exciting opportunity through the Maine EPSCoR E-CORE RII Program, which aims to enhance research infrastructure and capacity in targeted areas across Maine. The project, Strengthening Maine’s Research Ecosystem […]

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White Shark Migration and Taking Part in the Research Process with Patrick Tardie

By Camryn Sudimick, Writing Intern White sharks are one of the most iconic species in the sea. While they have gained a fearsome reputation, researchers like Patrick Tardie, a Maine-eDNA undergraduate intern, argue they should instead be recognized for their vital role as apex predators in marine ecosystems. While white shark populations faced a decline […]

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student in lab coat and mask organizes samples on lab bench.

Incorporating eDNA Curricula in Undergraduate Education Across Maine

By Ilaria Bardini, Writing Intern The many applications of environmental DNA (eDNA) in research and conservation has inspired educators to find ways to implement such topics into their various curricula. As an emerging appliance, eDNA can allow researchers and stakeholders to track population fluctuations of keystone species in order better understand the impacts of climate […]

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By, Colin Gallagher, Media Intern and Caty DuDevoir, Writing Intern The Frontier Institute for Research in Sensor Technologies (FIRST), formerly known as the Laboratory for Surface Science and Technology (LASST), is an interdisciplinary research institute at the University of Maine (UMaine), with the vision of becoming a leader in materials, devices, and systems research. The […]

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Understanding Squid and Food Chain Dynamics in the Gulf of Maine

By Stefania Irene Marthakis “Maine-eDNA was one of my main inspirations to continue to study Zoology at the University of Maine, Decorey Bolton Jr. said. “I’m especially interested in animal’s behavioral patterns, how different environmental factors are affecting their movement patterns, and their interactions with other animals.” DeCorey Bolton Jr. is an alumni and now […]

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Investigating Harmful Algae Blooms with Robin Sleith

By Evan Bartow, Writing Intern Located across the many aquatic enviroments of Maine, harmful algae blooms (HABs) are caused by algae that can grow uncontrollably, and cause the production of naturally produced toxins. These toxins negatively impact other organisms within the aquatic ecosystems. Robin Sleith, who started as a postdoctoral scientist at Bigelow Laboratory for […]

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Harnessing Environmental RNA to Understand Blue Mussel Life Stages

By Evan Bartow, Writing Intern Assisting in the development of new environmental genomics research, Dave Ernst (postdoctoral scientist at Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences) works to develop the research tools that leverage environmental RNA (eRNA) as part of the NSF EPSCoR RII Track-1 Maine-eDNA grant. The use of eRNA detection tools can help expand the […]

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Lucia stands next to poster

Exploring Fungal Communities and eDNA with Lucia Goldman

By Ilaria Bardini, Writing Intern Natural ecosystems, including Maine’s plants and forests, are increasingly being impacted by pollution and climate change. Mycorrhizal fungi, fungal communities that have often unseen symbiotic relationships with the roots of plants, are vital to forest communication and their consequent growth and success. The build-up of toxic chemicals and pollutants in […]

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The Emergence of Blue Crabs in Casco Bay with Brandon Henry

By Ilaria Bardini, Media Intern As the world’s climate changes, ecosystems and the animals that inhabit them are changing as well. This holds true for blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus, which are beginning to populate areas along the coast of Maine. Native to warmer waters along the U.S. coastlines, the rising temperatures in the Gulf of […]

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