Early Childhood Education

The state-approved Early Childhood Education concentration in the Child Development and Family Relations major focuses on preparing professionals to work with children ages 0-8 and their families. Students graduating with this concentration will be recommended for K-3 certification and will be eligible to apply to the State for the 081 (birth-age 5 endorsement).
Emphasizing the latest research and instructional strategies, Early Childhood Education is integrated with other teacher education programs in the College of Education and Human Development. Students apply for candidacy and prepare professional portfolios demonstrating competency in state and national standards.
Early Childhood Education is closely affiliated with the Katherine Miles Durst Child Development Learning Center in Merrill Hall, which serves as a lab school for aspiring early childhood teachers and professionals. Teacher candidates also participate in student teaching and some students have community-based placements integrated with coursework.
While Early Childhood Education and Elementary Education share common requirements, there are clear differences in the preparation. In ECE, the emphasis on child development beginning in infancy is foundational for teachers as they plan appropriate experiences for young children. Curriculum courses integrate all curriculum areas and address content within the context of inclusive education. Family involvement is integral to all early childhood classes.
Graduates leave the program with understanding of how children learn, how teachers can best promote learning, the crucial role of the family and how teachers and parents can work together for the best interests of children. In addition to teaching children from ages birth to third grade, Early Childhood Education graduates enjoy careers in areas such as museums, recreation, publishing, early intervention, and a variety of social services and community programs.
For additional information about these majors, please contact:
Julie DellaMattera, Associate Professor of Early Childhood Development and Education
118 Merrill Hall
University of Maine
Orono, Maine 04469
National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA) statement
This program will prepare students to be eligible for licensure within the State of Maine. Visit the UMS State Authorization & Licensure page to learn more about the licensure requirements in other states and territories, in addition to the contact information needed to inquire further into the licensure requirements associated with this program.