This annual conference brings together Reading Recovery and literacy coaches from across the state for professional development workshops and a celebration of Reading Recovery in Maine. This year’s keynote speaker will be Elizabeth “Betsy” Kaye, associate professor in the department of reading at Texas Woman’s University, where she serves as a Reading Recovery trainer and teaches undergraduate and graduate students. She has been involved with Reading Recovery for more than 30 years and has also been a classroom teacher and a special education teacher. Kaye has published several articles about literacy teaching and assessment in journals such as The Journal of Reading Recovery and The Reading Teacher. She has also worked with a team to develop professional learning packages about Marie Clay’s Observation Survey of Early Literacy Achievement for the Reading Recovery Council of North America. Kaye currently serves as the U.S. representative to the Board of the International Reading Recovery Trainers Organization.
For more information, click here 2023-Suzanne-W-Cole-Reading-Recovery-and-Early-Literacy-Institute-reduced.
Recommended Age: For K-12 educators.
Event Sponsor: University Training Center for Reading Recovery and Maine Partnerships in Comprehensive Literacy