
Sezen-Barrie awarded summer faculty research funds

Assistant professor of science and engineering education Asli Sezen-Barrie is the recipient of a summer faculty research award from the University of Maine’s Office of the Vice President for Research and Dean of the Graduate School.

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Congratulations Dr. Jim Artesani and Diane Legrande on 25 years of service to UMaine

Associate dean of graduate education, research and outreach Jim Artesani and School of Kinesiology and Physical Education administrative specialist Diane Legrande both celebrated 25 years of service to the University of Maine this year. Jim and Diane were recognized at the annual employee recognition luncheon, held April 23 at Wells Conference Center. Congratulations, Jim and […]

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Maine Schools in Focus: Growing Partnerships to Develop Educational Leadership Pipelines

Starting in 2016, the Bangor School Department and the University of Maine Educational Leadership program began the Bangor Educational Leadership Academy (BELA), which is in its third year and focuses on creating learning laboratories for aspiring educational leaders to “try on” leadership, working closely with mentoring administrators, help lead professional development, and examine and update policies and practices through action research projects.

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