Alternative Pathways

At the University of Maine, we realize that people enter the teaching profession in many different ways. Thus, we are committed to making the process easier for individuals who do not become certified teachers after earning a bachelor’s degree. This page contains information about classes and programs offered at UMaine that provide alternative pathways to teacher certification in the state of Maine. Whether you need one or two courses to become certified, or are interested in completing a master’s degree that leads to certification, we can help.
To start, please review the Maine Department of Education’s certification and credentialing information. MDOE is responsible for certifying and credentialing of PreK-12 teachers and administrators in the state. Although our teacher education programs lead to certification, you will need to go through MDOE to actually obtain your teaching certificate. The department offers services, such as transcript analysis, which you can use to determine what classes you need to complete to become certified.
Undergraduate courses
The state of Maine requires a bachelor’s degree for teacher certification. If you do not already have a bachelor’s, please go to our undergraduate programs page to learn more about our majors.
If you have a bachelor’s degree and only need to complete coursework in methods or teaching exceptional children, the College of Education and Human Development offers the classes listed below. To register, you must obtain instructor permission and enroll as a non-degree student through the UMaine Division of Lifelong Learning. Classes may be held on different days/times and in different formats depending on the semester. So please check UMaine’s undergraduate catalog for the semester in which you wish to enroll.
- SED 302: Adapting Instruction for Students with Disabilities. Develops knowledge and understanding of students with disabilities. Topics include: adaptation of instruction, legal and ethical issues, family and social relationships and collaboration between school and community agencies.
- EMA 314: Teaching Mathematics in Elementary School. Instruction on methods and techniques in teaching mathematics, arithmetic readiness program, instructional and evaluation material.
- ERL 319: Teaching Reading and Language Arts in Preschool to Grade 3. Current methods, materials, and assessment tools in teaching reading and writing to children preschool to grade three, including early literacy development, guided reading/shared reading, spelling and oral language development, handwriting instruction, the writing processes of young children, and reading and writing reciprocity in literacy development. Field experience required as part of the course.
- ERL 320: Teaching Reading and Language Arts in Grades 4-8. Current methods, materials, strategies, and assessment tools to teach and assess reading and writing in grades 4-8, including the foundation for teaching using vocabulary, content area reading, the reading/writing connection, narrative and informational text, and print skills with intermediate/middle grades students.
- ESC 316: Teaching Science in the Elementary School. Presents information and activities designed to encourage students to learn and develop goals and objectives, instructional strategies, selection of curriculum materials K-8, effective management and evaluation techniques.
- ESS 315: Teaching Social Studies in the Elementary School. Examines methods and materials for social studies in the elementary school and ways of relating the work of the social studies class to an understanding of practical problems of the community.
For more information, please contact the College of Education and Human Development Advising Center,
Graduate programs
Although you can teach in Maine with just a bachelor’s degree, earning a master’s degree can help you gain skills and knowledge that you can apply in the classroom and throughout your career. In addition, a master’s degree can lead to higher pay and more responsibility. For people entering the teaching profession with a bachelor’s in a subject other than education, the programs listed below allow you to earn a master’s degree and qualify for teacher certification through Maine DOE.
- Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT): An accelerated program that leads to initial teacher certification in a designated content area and a master’s degree, which can be completed in 15 months if taken full-time. The MAT program is designed for those already holding an undergraduate degree and interested in becoming a secondary school teacher (grades 7-12). Content areas include: Math, Life Science, Physical Science, English, Social Studies, and World Languages. The program of study includes 24 credit hours of education requirements, 6 credit hours of content requirements, and 6 credit hours of student teaching—36 credits total.
- Special Education (M.Ed.): A master’s degree (M.Ed.) in special education from the University of Maine provides graduates with an understanding of how to apply current evidence-based practices in PreK-12 classrooms for children with special needs. Concentrations include Early Intervention — Early Childhood Special Education; High Incidence Disabilities; Low Incidence Disabilities; Dual Certification (High Incidence and Low Incidence). Each of these 100% online programs require 36 credit hours.
- Maine’s Alternative Certification Mentoring Program: A partnership between Maine DOE and the College of Education and Human Development that supports new, conditionally certified special educators working toward professional certification. MACM works with local education authorities to ensure that conditionally certified special educators receive mentoring from trained special education mentors. Additionally, participants are required to successfully complete MACM Special Education Internship, an online graduate course designed to meet the needs of new special educators.