Tricia Richardson: Outstanding Graduate Student in Special Education (Ed.S.)

Tricia Richardson of Carmel, Maine is the Outstanding Graduate Student in Special Education (Education Specialist, Ed.S.) for 2024. Read a Q&A with Richardson below.

What difference has UMaine made in your life and in helping you reach your goals?

A photo of Tricia Richardson.
Photo courtesy Tricia Richardson.

UMaine has helped me achieve my goal of completing my Ed.S. in special education. Doing so has helped me better meet the needs of both the gifted and twice exceptional learners I serve in RSU 22.

Have you had an experience at UMaine that has changed or shaped the way you see the world? If so, tell us about it.

Everyone I have met and worked with at UMaine has been so supportive and helpful! I am a better teacher because of my fellow classmates and professors who pushed and challenged my thinking.

Have you worked closely with a professor or mentor who made your UMaine experience better? If so, tell us about them.

All of my professors have been wonderful, but I especially want to thank Sarah Howorth, my advisor, and Josh Taylor, who helped me hone my passion for working with students with autism.

What advice do you have for incoming graduate students to help them get off to the best start academically?

Manage your time wisely, ask for help when needed, and be open to new ideas and opinions.

Why UMaine?

I’m a Maine girl through and through! No better place to be!

Favorite UMaine memory:

I’m sure it’s going to be graduating!

Special Thank You message:

I want to first of all thank my parents for all of their love and support. You have helped shape me into the woman and teacher I am, and I am so proud to be your daughter. And to my loving husband Gary, who is my rock and biggest cheerleader.