Strengthening impacts of Arctic research topic of Feb. 28 workshop

The UMaine Arctic Initiative, in collaboration with the Office of Research Development, will hold a workshop titled “Strengthening the impact of your Arctic research,” from noon to 1:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 28, in the Bangor Room of Memorial Union. Panelists Laura Millay, research and evaluation coordinator at the Maine Center for Research in STEM Education; Linda […]

Brown Bag Seminar

BGSC 100

Inga Kindstedt Understanding summer temperatures in the North Pacific region      

Brown Bag Seminar

BGCS 100

Meghan Spoth Holocene Variations in the Southern Hemisphere Westerlies Developed from Lake Records in the Falkland Islands and Maraina Miles Interactions between the land-terminating Walcott and Howchin Glaciers and adjacent […]

Earth Science Research Seminar

University of Maine School of Earth and Climate Sciences   EARTH SCIENCE RESEARCH SEMINAR  Dr. Christopher Gerbi "A New Chapter (for me): Glacier Rheology" Wednesday - 12:00 pm EST September 9th, 2020 Zoom Link:  

Earth Science Research Seminar

EARTH SCIENCE RESEARCH SEMINAR  Wednesday - 12:00 pm EST September 16th 2020 Zoom Link:  Dr. Scott Johnson  “Application of physics-based dynamic fragmentation models for estimating strain rate and breakdown energy in the earthquake source.”

Earth Science Research Seminar

Wednesday - 12:00 pm EST September 23rd 2020 Zoom Link:   Dr. Seth Campbell "The History and Future of Ice in Alaska"

Earth Science Research Seminar

EARTH AND CLIMATE SCIENCE RESEARCH SEMINAR Wednesday - 12:00 pm EST September 30th, 2020 Zoom Link:   Dr. Darryl Reano “Engaging with Indigenous Communities through Geoscience Education Research.”

Earth Science Research Seminar

Wednesday - 12:00 pm EST October 7th, 2020 Zoom Link:   Dr. Sridhar Anandakrishnan “Slip Slidin' Away - Glaciers, Ice Sheets, and Sea Level in a Warming World.”

Earth Science Research Seminar

Wednesday - 12:00 pm EST October 14th, 2020 Zoom Link: Dr. Rafael Almeida “The Ins and Outs (and Ups and Downs) of Mountain Ranges.”

SECS Research Seminar-GeoLunch

GeoLunch  Wednesday - 12:00 pm EST October 21st, 2020 Zoom Link: Dr. Kimberly Lau “Anoxia in Ancient Oceans: A window into the Earth System in 'deep time'”

Earth Science Research Seminar

GeoLunch  SECS Research Seminar Wednesday - 12:00 pm EST October 28th, 2020 Zoom Link: Dr. Hendratta Ali “Antropogenic impact: using stable isotopes of DIC in water to probe CO2 […]

Earth Science Research Seminar

GeoLunch  SECS Research Seminar Wednesday - 12:00 pm EST November 4th, 2020 Zoom Link: Dr. Ananya Mallik “Probing Surface-Interior Mass Exchange Using Nitrogen'

Earth Science Research Seminar

GeoLunch  SECS Research Seminar Wednesday - 12:00 pm EST December 9th, 2020 Zoom Link: Dr. Lesley-Ann Dupigny-Giroux “Are All News About Climate / Climate Change: Musings of a State Climatologist"

Maine Science Podcast – episode 41

Kat Allen is an Associate Professor School of Earth and Climate Sciences at the University of Maine, with a Cooperating Appointment at the Climate Change Institute. Kat studies the ocean, […]