Fogler Library

Raymond H. Fogler Library at the University of Maine is the largest research library in Maine. With your access though UMaine, you can use this resource for your college and high school coursework.

Please watch the following video to learn how to access this online.

Click here to access Raymond H. Fogler Library resources.

student looking off thoughtfully with a pen in her hand. She is sitting in front of a stack of books, a cup of coffee, and an open notebook.
Tools for Success


NetTutor is an exciting online tutoring service to assist you with any and all issues you may have with your coursework. As with your library access, you can use this tool to get assistance with your college and highschool courses.

  • Tutors are friendly and patient.
  • 24×7 live Math and Writing support
  • Convenient online, anytime use
  • Timely drop-off response
  • Improves your success

Watch this quick video overview. Sign up here:

Students may also schedule appointments with the UMaine Writing Center for help with papers, essays and more.

Math Prep

tablet with math equations on it

Get help with Math Prep for all undergrad math courses.

Student Accessibility Services

Students who have 504 plans or IEPs in their high schools often feel that they wish to attempt college level courses without these plans in place. There is a better way to approach this topic. Because the rigor of a college level course is higher than a high school course, students are encouraged to reach out to Student Accessibility Services.  Some of the services provided or coordinated for students with disabilities include testing accommodations, note takers, ordering alternate format texts, classroom relocation, and advisement on disability issues.

Video Introduction to SAS

Click here to contact SAS or learn more.