When thoughts about eating feel out of control, treatment can help individuals understand and change their thoughts and behaviors.

Signs and Symptoms
Constant thoughts about food or eating
Preoccupation with body shape, weight, or size
Feelings of guilt, shame, or helplessness regarding food
Feeling irritable when others talk about food
Binge-eating or overeating
Not eating enough calories to maintain health
Purging food
Eating in secret
Physical problems as a result of disordered eating
Thoughts or attempts of suicide
While eating disorders are treatable, they often go undetected. This is in party due to misconceptions about what they are and who they affect, and the cultural normalization of food and weight preoccupation

Reach out to a licensed mental health professional who specializes in eating disorders to effectively address the psychological, behaviors, interpersonal and situational factors affecting your well-being.