4-H/CCAR Intern Wins Big at the Maine State Science Fair

Big congratulations to CCAR/4-H aquaculture intern and George Stevens Academy junior, Hannah Dyer. Hannah spent her spring break and two-weeks of her high school’s Independent Study & Internship Program at CCAR working on a project for the Maine State Science Fair.

Her project titled: How Does Food Type Influence Larval Development in the Green Sea Urchin? placed 2nd in her category, Animal Sciences- Nutrition and Development.
With the help of CCAR’s staff, Hannah learned how to spawn green sea urchins (S. droebachiensis) and rear their larvae. She tested two larval diets, CCAR’s live microalgae blend and a formulated microalgae paste, in hopes of determining whether a formulated microalgae paste could be a suitable replacement for the live microalgae currently used to produce sea urchins at CCAR.
Hannah also won a special award from the Acadia Institute of Oceanography, a full scholarship to their Advanced Marine Science Program this summer.

Last summer, Hannah was one of seven 4-H/CCAR high school interns who spent eight weeks at CCAR working with yellowtail kingfish and learning all about aquaculture. Her curiosity for marine science and aquaculture shines through to everyone who has had the pleasure of working with her. This girl’s going places!

Check out all of the projects from students representing high schools all over Maine in the MSSF Program. These teens are Maine’s future!