2025 Summer REtreat: supporting Neurodiversity in the university classroom

CITL’s Neurodiversity in the University Classroom is a three day intensive educational development opportunity for faculty .

Profile of a woman's face with multicolored puzzle pieces surrounding her head
Image of classroom

summer retreat 2025

May 19th – May 21st | 9:00am – 4:30pm | Ferland Center, Room 214 (In-person ONLY)

Breakfast, lunch and refreshments provided throughout the three days.

This program will be nomination based – department chairs and directors will be invited to recommend part-time and/or full time faculty to engage in this program. The nomination period is ~March 24th – April 11th. Interested faculty are encouraged to reach out to their department heads and request a nomination.

Questions? Email: citlworkshop@maine.edu

What is the Supporting Neurodiversity summer retreat?

Join us at an interactive and reflective retreat during which we will engage in storytelling, dialogue, case studies and more to expand knowledge and competencies around working with and supporting neurodiversity in the university classroom. While modeling inclusive  practices and Universal Design for Learning, we will dig into terminology, myths and common classroom scenarios around neurodiversity.

The purpose of this event is not only to bring awareness to neurodiverse learners, but also to empower faculty with resources and knowledge to create better learning environments for all students. The institute will be an interactive, in-person, on-campus experience combining learning with course design work.

Minimal homework and reading will be a part of this program.

Faculty will receive a $500 stipend for their participation in this institute; $300 for attendance and $200 upon completion of deliverables (see below) related to the institute by the end of the 2025-2026 academic year.

Chart of all the areas that neurodiversity encompasses.

Examples of deliverables include:

Reflective Growth such as:

  • Participate in an aligned CITL book discussion or learning community
  • Course review and reflection with an instructional designer and develop an implementation plan

Course Development such as work with an instructional designer to:

  • Center digital accessibility in your course content
  • Re-design your assessment/s using flexibility and choice
  • Implement an accessibility survey for your students and make changes based on feedback

Departmental Change

  • Bring colleagues to a CoP or book discussion at CITL on neurodiversity
  • Facilitate a department discussion on neurodiversity or accessibility
  • Convene a book club (facilitated or not by CITL staff)

After the course design institute:

you will be able to:

  • Define, refine and discuss vocabulary around Neurodiversity, Universal Design for Learning (UDL), and Accessibility.
  • Apply inclusive teaching practices, such as UDL, in course design and implementation to support and collaborate with students
  • Recognize support entities on campus around student accommodations and disabilities
  • Advocate for student needs regarding neurodiversity in school/program/department/unit

you will have:

  • An action plan for implementing inclusive practices aligned to neurodiverse learners
  • A revised syllabus that addresses issues of accessibility and transparency
  • A partnership with instructional support staff at UMaine
  • A community of engaged colleagues


Do I have to attend all three days?
Yes. If you have to miss a small part of a day, we can accommodate that, but we expect all who apply to commit to the three days of in-person work.

Can I join remotely?

No. We designed this program for in-person engagement.

Will I get paid?
Participants who complete the institute will receive a certificate and a $500 stipend*; $300 for attendance and $200 upon completion of deliverables related to the institute by the end of the 25-26 academic year. 
*must be eligible for compensation.

How do I apply?

There will be a nomination based process from ~ March 24th through April 11th. Department Chairs will be notified directly. Contact your department chair with interest. After the nomination period is over, general registration will become available for remaining spaces. This program will camp at 25 participants on a first come basis.

Questions? Email: citlworkshop@maine.edu