The Scholarship of Teaching & Learning (SoTL) is a systematic approach of investigating teaching and learning in higher education. SoTL involves the formation of a specific research questions, collecting data and evidence with appropriate methodologies, data analysis and dissemination of results to the public. Distinct about SoTL is emphasis on improving teaching and/or learning. While scholarly teaching is the personal reflexive act of inquiry into one’s own teaching, SoTL involves original research questions and the dissemination of research results with a broader audience.
Scholarship of Teaching & Learning
In order for an inquiry to be considered SoTL, it must:
SoTL scholars become reflective, innovative and student-centered teachers. They are driven by continuous improvement, and also by the hope of sharing their teaching discoveries and approaches with others. SoTL provides a space for the intersection of research and teaching and can also demonstrate one’s commitment to teaching.

Liliana Herakova
Associate Professor & Director of Communication Education
Discipline (s): Communication Studies
What are your SoTL interests?
TA preparation, mentoring, anti-oppressive and decolonial pedagogies, and critical approaches that examine how we make present and negotiate our identities and power relations in learning situations.
Project Title:
Silent In-Difference: A Collaborative Autoethnography on the Meanings, Practices, and Impacts
of Silences in Learning Contexts

Heather M. Falconer
Assistant Professor
Discipline (s): Writing Studies
What are your SoTL interests?
As a writing studies scholar, I am deeply committed to work and inquiry that serves a larger purpose. Primarily, this larger purpose has been educational and disciplinary reform as it relates to inequity. My research focuses on the intersections of culture, discipline, and pedagogy, with a special emphasis on discursive identity development and disciplinary enculturation.
Project Title:
Aligning Writing Concepts Across the Curriculum

Senior Lecturer
Discipline (s): Biology
What are your SoTL interests?
I am currently interested in: cross-disciplinary scholarship and collaboration to improve disciplinary learning; accessible teaching and learning; citations literacy; building better relationships (TAs, students, MLAs, instructors) in the classroom as a success and retention tool.
Project Title:
Aligning Writing Concepts Across the Curriculum

Jennifer Newell-caito
Senior Lecturer
Discipline (s): Molecular & Biomedical Sciences
What are your SoTL interests?
I am interested in investigating the effects of CURE laboratory modules, ungrading, and metacognition on student belonging, growth-mindset, and self-directed learning.
Project Title:
A Efficacy of Ungrading in Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experiences on Belonging, Self-Directed Learning, and Growth-Mindset

Stephanie burnett
Associate Professor
Discipline (s): School of Food & Agriculture
What are your SoTL interests?
I am interested in practical strategies to improve comprehension in hands on classes or labs as well as mindfulness to manage test anxiety in the classroom.
Project Title:
Mindfulness Intervention to Reduce Test Anxiety

Holly white
PhD Student
Discipline (s): Science Education
What are your SoTL interests?
Currently I am exploring how undergrad field courses and research experiences can impact sense of belonging, research identity, and self-efficacy. I am also interested in environmental education.
Project Title:
Mindfulness Intervention to Reduce Test Anxiety

mario guevara
Graduate Teaching Assistant
Discipline (s): Communication and Journalism
What are your SoTL interests?
Creating safe spaces where learners of all origins and backgrounds can engage in critical thinking while promoting respect and better communication.
Project Title:
Silent In-Difference: A Collaborative Autoethnography on the Meanings, Practices, and Impacts
of Silences in Learning Contexts

lynn atkins
Principal Lecturer
Discipline (s): Human Anatomy & Physiology
What are your SoTL interests?
I am interested in how people integrate new information with pre-existing concepts. I am also interested how classroom climate and mental health influence learning.
Project Title:
Mindfulness Intervention to Reduce Test Anxiety

Colleen Marzilli
Professor of Nursing
Discipline (s): Nursing
What are your SoTL interests?
SoTL epitomizes what it means to be a faculty member, teacher, and professor that uses best practices to provide education and teaching to students. SoTL is a commitment to the use of evidence-based practice in teaching to improve student outcomes. It is a promise to students that I am engaged in their success.
Project Title:
Cultural Awareness Pharmacy Education (CAPE): Cultural Competence Education to Improve Nursing Students’ Cultural Competence and Eliminate Bias

sheena sheffield
PhD Student/Graduate Teaching Assistant
Discipline (s): Communication
What are your SoTL interests?
I am interested in teaching and learning practices that facilitate and support collaborative, equitable spaces where diversity is valued.
Project Title:
Silent In-Difference: A Collaborative Autoethnography on the Meanings, Practices, and Impacts
of Silences in Learning Contexts
Additional Fellows:
Melanie Gao
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