the letters T O P

What is TOP?

Instructors observing others teach is a rich and informative experience that leads to new ideas, approaches and connections. The goal of this partnership is to increase conversations about teaching and build a teaching-focused community. 

Through respectful dialogue and reflective discussions, this community will refine their instructional practices, experiment with innovative teaching methods, and foster professional growth. This program is entirely formative, non-evaluative, and voluntary.

To keep the conversations and connections meaningful, space will be limited. Acceptance will be on a first come, first served basis.

Our next TOP program will run in Fall 2025.

What participants have said:

“It’s fun. It provides fresh views on teaching. It’s a good way to meet people outside the department. It’s a great way to explore ideas you may have about how to change up your teaching. Seeing people teach in other departments allowed me to focus on the teaching independent of the topic.” – 2023 TOP member.

“If our goal is to educate students to the best of our abilities we need to ensure that what we are doing in the classroom is effective. What better way to learn about effective teaching practices than to observe others who are passionate about teaching and trying creative approaches in the classroom and having others observe our practice.” – 2023 TOP member

“Classroom observations are a wonderful way to learn new teaching approaches in diverse classroom environments while simultaneously getting feedback on ways to improve the techniques that you are currently using. It’s also a great way to build relationships with faculty in other units that you might otherwise never meet.” – 2023 TOP member

How does it work?

  • TOP members will initially partner with an observation mentor to learn formative observation techniques in one of UMaine’s Community Classrooms, requiring 1.5-2 hours.
  • Once acclimated, TOP members will conduct three interdisciplinary peer observations per semester, requiring a total of 4-6hrs.
  • Throughout the semester, participants will convene for logistical organizing, peer and group discussions to deepen understanding of observation practices and share insights on effective teaching methods. 

Who can participate?

  • Any faculty who will be teaching a large enrollment course in the Fall 2024 semester and is willing to have their classroom and LMS observed can register. 
  • Online and face to face courses are welcome in this program, as observing any modality is a goal of this experience.

When and Where?

The group will meet bi-weekly through the semester to discuss their observations and their own teaching goals. Dates and times will vary depending on semester.

Independently participatns are ersponsible for a minimum of two classroom observations including preparation and follow up.

The goal of this program is to gain inspiration and ideas from colleagues through observation, and receive feedback on what you want, when you want it. No information gathered or shared about your teaching will be used by CITL in any way. Participants will decide if you wish to document this work as a part of your teaching portfolio, and discuss effective ways to do so as a group.

Participants who complete the program will receive a $200 stipend. 

If you find that you would like to be engaged, but cannot do so fully at this time, perhaps you would consider opening your classroom to training observations?  We are looking for volunteers to help build our Community Classroom program.  This option has little to no additional requirements of your time!