Teaching & Observing Active Learning Classrooms

A room with several large round tables surrounded by white boards

Are you new to teaching in an active learning classroom (ALC)?  Or perhaps you need some new ideas and inspiration?  Join our community of practice supporting faculty teaching in ALCs!  


Four required meetings throughout the semester

Pre-Semester Orientation : January 16th 12:00pm -3:00 pm (Ferland 337 Active Learning Classroom)

Semester Meetings on Three Mondays @ 3:00-4:00 pm (Fernald Hall 102)

February 3rd, March 3rd, April 7th

A minimum of 6 participants teaching in ALCs are required for this program to run. Participants should be actively teaching in an ALC (preferred), or in a traditional classroom with active-learning strategies.

  • Build confidence in using appropriate physical and technological features of ALCs
  • Identify the strengths and potential pitfalls of teaching your course in active learning spaces
  • Recognize the diversity of instructional approaches that can be implemented in ALCs
  • Rethink course content, assessment and outcomes based on added-value of using ALCs
  • Reflect holistically on relevant and engaging instructional practices.

The program will involve an orientation to ALCs in prior to the semester start, where we will learn about the physical and classroom features of ALCs.  

Following this, throughout the semester, participants will observe instructors teaching in ALCs classroom and meet monthly to designing for ALCs, common challenges and solutions along with essential considerations. 

This program is structured to build community and capacity for faculty looking to optimize teaching in these spaces.  In addition to the times below, participants should be willing to spend time during the semester observing teaching (2-4 hrs) and reflecting (1-2 hrs). The total amount of professional development will be ~11-14hrs. A $200.00 will be provided for those who are eligible.