Alternative Grading to Promote Authentic Learning Experiences

In-Person | Alternate Mondays from 12:00-1:00pm starts Jan 27th

In recent years, alternative grading methods have gained attention for promoting authentic, growth-focused learning. These approaches better reflect student progress and are often more appreciated by students, reducing point-chasing and competition. Approaches to new grading approaches are all defined differently, but all focus on student learning. 

Yet, how, when and to what extent to introduce alternative grading methods can be challenging.  

Using the recent publication Grading for Growth: A Guide to Alternative Grading Practices that Promote Authentic Learning and Student Engagement in Higher Education as a guide, participants in this learning community will explore ways to bring more authentic learning experiences into their classrooms. This book offers a comprehensive introduction to alternative grading, beginning with a framework and rationale for implementation and evidence of its effectiveness, followed by detailed examples across a range of educational contexts. Faculty will also be provided opportunities to share their own experiences with alternative grading methods for feedback and inquiry-driven conversation. 

A $200.00 will be provided for those who are eligible.

A paper with an "A" grade on the top right corner

meeting dates

  • January 27th, 12pm – 1pm
  • February 10th, 12pm – 1pm
  • February 24th, 12pm – 1pm
  • March 10th, 12pm – 1pm
  • March 24th, 12p, – 1pm
  • April 7th, 12pm – 1pm
  • April 21st, 12pm – 1pm
  • May 5th, 12pm – 1pm

We would prefer for this program to meet in-person, but can accommodate a hybrid modality if needed.  Please indicate your preference on the registration form. 

Words of Wisdom

I teach to inspire curiosity, creativity, responsibility and hope; I ungrade in the service of intellectual freedom and risk taking.
Tony Perman
Ungrading for Hope, Inside Higher Ed.