Liliana herakova
Selected Works:
Herakova, L. L., Buchanan, R., Pelletreau, K., Chien, M. T., & Roberge, K. (2024). Syllabus unfinishing(s)/Unfinished syllabus-ing as multi-sited feminist mentoring. In J. Pauly, L. Hernandez, & S. Munz (Eds.), Feminist Mentoring in Academia. Lexington books.
Herakova, L. L., Buchanan, R., Hakkola, L., & Ruben, M. (2024). Contouring caring: A faculty community of practice responding to a crisis of equity in higher education. In A. Atay & M. Congdon Jr. (Eds.), Critical Approaches to Crisis Communication in the Classroom and Higher Education Contexts. Lexington books.
Herakova, L., Hakkola, L., & Ruben, M. (2022). Breathing in, breathing out: The structure of conversational sense-making around equity in higher education teaching. Teaching in Higher Education. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/13562517.2022.2034145
Herakova, L. L., & Congdon Jr., M. (2021). Dwelling in revolutionary intimacies: Mentoring and/as reflexivity. In A. Atay & D. Trebing (Eds.), Mentoring and Communication: Theories and Practices (pp. 51-72). Peter Lang Publishing. Bonnet, J., Herakova, L. L., & McAlexander, B. (2018). Play on? Comparing active learning techniques for information literacy instruction in the Public Speaking course. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 44(4), 500-510. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.acalib.2018.04.01
Heather m. Falconer
Selected Works:
Falconer, H.M., & McClary, L. (Eds.) (2024). Inclusive STEM: Transforming disciplinary writing instruction for a socially just future. The WAC Clearinghouse; University Press of Colorado.
Falconer, H. M. (2022). Masking Inequalities with Good Intentions: Systemic Bias, Counterspaces, and Discourse Acquisition in STEM Education. https://doi.org/10.37514/pra-b.2022.1602
Falconer, H.M. (2019). “I think when I speak, I don’t sound like that”: The influence on social positioning on rhetorical skill development in science. Written Communication, 36(1), 9-37.
Jennifer Newell-caito
Selected Works:
Newell-Caito, J., & Bernard, E. (2024). Bonding with chemistry: A digital choose-your-own-adventure learning module. Journal of Chemical Education, 101(3), 1302–1309. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jchemed.3c00950
Meaders, [FirstInitial]., [et al.]. (2021). What questions are on the minds of STEM undergraduate students and how can they be addressed? Frontiers in Education, 6, 1-8.