New Assignment Experience!
One of the biggest differences between Blackboard and Brightspace is that we are going to see occasional Brightspace updates. Don’t worry though! These updates are to designed to make it easier for you to use Birghtspace and are done gradually. The latest update brought us a new Assignment Experience! If you are not ready to switch though, don’t worry! This new experience can be switched on or off depending on how adventurous your feeling that day. I highly encourage you to explore the new experience though as it has a lot of exciting features!
Below is a screenshot of the new Assignment Builder. You can see it’s a much simpler interface than the old assignment builder! If you ever want to turn off/on a new experience, look for the little down arrow in the righthand corner of your screen. This will give you an option to turn off/on the new experience.
New Assignment Builder
The new Assignment Builder is very exciting! It takes all the functionality of the old builder and displays it in a much more digestible format. You will see all the most commonly used fields such as Name, Score Out Of, Due Date, and Instructions are now front and center. Everything else is organized into drop-down menus to the right.
What is the most exciting feature though? The Score Out Of now automatically links to the grade book! You will no longer have to make a grade item if you want an assignment linked to Grades! All you need to do is say how many points the assignment is worth!
Check out this tutorial to learn more: Click Here.
New Assignment Grading Experience
Along with the new Builder comes a new Assignment Grading Experience! Functionality wise, this tool hasn’t changed too much. It mostly just simplified the interface to make it even easier to grade student submissions. I highly recommend trying it out though! Even this simple update makes it easier to give your students feedback!
Check out this tutorial to learn more: Click Here.