Stefano Tijerina, Ph.D.

Dr. Stefano Tijerina teaches in the areas of international business, comparative business, and ethics. Prior to his academic career he worked in the areas of international banking and non-profit management.

He received his B.A. in Comparative Politics from Clark University, a Graduate Certificate in International Relations from Universidad de los Andes, and his M.P.A. and Ph.D. in History from the University of Maine.

His current research centers on the business dynamics of the Western Hemisphere from a historical perspective. He is the author of Circumventing Empires: Canadian Business Expansion in Colombia, 1767-1968 (University of Toronto Press), and has published articles in the Journal of Canadian StudiesAmerican Review of Canadian Studies, Iperstoria, Ensayos Sobre Política EconómicaDesafios and Perspectivas Colombo Canadienses, as well as chapters in several edited volumes including Mercados en Común: Estudios sobre Conexiones Transnacionales, Negocios y Diplomacia en las América (siglo XIX y XX) and Working for Oil: Comparative Social Histories of Labor in Petroleum. He is a contributor to the New Economic Papers-History Blog (NEP-HIS Blog) In 2017 he was awarded the First Christopher Kobrak Research Fellowship from the Canadian Business History Association.


  • Ph.D., University of Maine
  • M.P.A., University of Maine
  • B.A., Comparative Politics, Clark University

Teaching Areas

  • Canadian/U.S. Business: A Comparison
  • Introduction to International Business
  • International Marketing
  • Business & Society
  • Introduction to Business



Opportunism and Goodwill: Canadian Business Expansion in Colombia, 1867–1979.  Toronto:  University of Toronto Press, 2021

Book Chapters

“Securing the Expansion of Capitalism in Colombia: Canadair and the Military Regime of General Gustavo Rojas Pinilla (1953-1957)”:345-72. Victoria Basualdo, Hartmut Berghoff, and Marcelo Bucheli eds. Big Business and Dictatorships in Latin America: A Transnational History of Profits and Repression, London: Palgrave Macmillan (2020).

“Deja-vu from 1854: Free Trade, Protectionism, and the Canadian-American Reciprocity Treaty”:47-59. Mark S. Bonham, ed. Trade-Offs: The History of Canada-U.S. Trade Negotiations, Toronto: University of Toronto Press (2019).

“One Size Fits All? Canadian Development Assistance to Colombia, 1953-1972.” Greg Donaghy, Dominique Marshall, and David Webster eds. “A Samaritan State” Revisited: Historical Perspectives on Canadian Foreign Aid, 1950-2016, Calgary: University of Calgary Press (2019).

“The Zero-Sum Game of Early Oil Extraction Relations in Colombia: Workers, Tropical Oil, and the Police State, 1918-1938.”  Tourah Atabaki, Kaveh Ehsani and Elisabetta Binieds. Working for Oil: Comparative Social Histories of Labor in Petroleum,  Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018.

“Demarcando una Estrategia Latinoamericana: Las Iniciativas del Sector Privado Canadiense en Colombia, 1904-1953.” María Aparecida Lopes y María Cecilia Zuleta eds.Mercados en Común: Estudios sobre Conexiones Transnacionales, Negocios y Diplomacia en las Américas (siglo XIX y XX). D.F. México: El Colegio de México, 2016.

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

“Transnational Spatial Dimensions of Colombian-Canadian Relations in the Era of Capitalist Expansionism.” American Review of Canadian Studies48, no. 2 (2018).

“Constructing Modernity and Progress: The Imperializing Lens of an American Engineer in the Early Twentieth Century.” Iperstoria Special issue: American Constructions of

Photography / Photographic Constructions of America (Spring / Summer 2018): 24-39.

“Canadian Official Development Aid to Latin America: The Struggle over the Humanitarian Agenda, 1963-1977.” Journal of Canadian Studies / Revued’études canadiennes51, no. 1 (Winter 2017): 217-244.

“The Role of Canadian Financial Entities in the Development of Colombia’s Financial Markets: 1896-1939.” Ensayos Sobre Política Económica 30, no. 67 (2012): 252-79.

“One Cinderblock at a Time: Historiography of Canadian-Latin American and Canadian- Colombian Relations.” Desafíos1, no. 24 (2012): 275-292.

“Ahora o Nunca: La Misión Ministerial Canadiense a América Latina de 1968 y su Impacto en las Relaciones Bilaterales con Colombia.” Perspectivas ColomboCanadienses 2 (2009):10–29.

Policy Papers

“Imagining Maine’s Economy in a Post-pandemic World.” Maine Policy Review Volume 30, no. 2 (Impacts of COVID-19 Pandemic – 2021): 127-29.

“Canada and Maine: An Interdependent Relationship of More Than 100 Years.” One Voice Maine: The Official Magazine of the Maine State Chamber of Commerce. Maine State Chamber of Commerce. (May 2021): 62-71.

“Maine – Québec – New Brunswick.” Border Barometer. Border Policy Research Institute: Western Washington University. (April 2021): 73-80.

Review Essays

“Moving Away from the Amalgamation of the Latino Immigrant Experience in the United States.” Ethnohistory, Review Essay 61, no. 1 (2014): 189-195.

“New Approaches to the Analysis of Violence in Colombia and the Americas.” Ethnohistory, Review Essay 59, no. 2 (2012): 407-412.

Book Reviews

Kentucky’s Joseph C.S. Blackburn: Soldier, Statesman and a Friend of All, by Elizabeth Rouse Fielder. Register of the Kentucky Historical Society, 118, no. 1 (Winter 2020).

Transforming Provincial Politics: The Political Economy of Canada’s Provinces and Territories in the Neoliberal Era, edited by Bryan M. Evans and Charles W. Smith. American Review of Canadian Studies. (2017).

The Invaded: How Latin Americans and their Allies Fought and Ended US Occupations, by Alan McPherson. Register of the Kentucky Historical Society, 113, no.4 (Autumn 2015).