MaineMBA Program Course Offerings: Fall 2025

Helpful Dates & Definitions

Session 1: 9/2/2025 – 10/24/2025
Session 2: 10/27/2025 – 12/19/2025
Full Semester: 9/2/2025 – 12/19/2025

Click here for the 2025 – 2026 Academic Calendar.

Click here for the Summer 2025 Course Offerings.

Online: Asynchronous online class
Online-Live: Synchronous online class
Live: Synchronous in-person class

MBA Core Courses

BUA 601 – Strategic Data Analysis

To inform organizational decisions, students will learn to identify business problems, differentiate types of big data, propose a research question, and think critically about which statistical processes and applications will yield insights from the data. 

Offered: Session 1 Live (Tu 3:40pm – 6:30pm), Session 2 Online

BUA 680 – Foundations of Business Intelligence and Analytics

This course presents the philosophical and technical foundations of business intelligence and analytics.  The philosophical principles of business intelligence and analytics are discussed.  Important fundamental concepts and tools in business intelligence and analytics are introduced using a structured and integrated approach that moves from initial data collection to final decision outcome assessment.  Throughout the course, conditional reasoning and logical thinking in terms of process and systems are emphasized.

Offered: Session 1 Online, Session 2 Online

MBA 609 – Financial Accounting for Decision Making

The purpose of this course is to provide students with the ability to read and interpret financial statements. This includes an understanding of the components of the four primary financial statements, as well as a set of analysis tools that facilitate an understanding of what the financial statements are saying. The course also teaches students how to use current financial statements to model future financial statements under varying assumptions.

Offered: Session 1 Online, Session 2 Online

MBA 626 – Management of Contemporary Organizations

Explores analytical perspectives to understand how individuals organize themselves in accomplishing organizational goals. Topics include organizational structure, culture, teamwork and diversity, the organization and the global environment. 

Offered: Session 1 Online

MBA 637 – Global Supply Chain Networks

An introduction to managing the flow of material, products, services, information, and cash via the processes, technologies, and facilities that link primary suppliers through to ultimate customers. Attention is given to the functions of forecasting, production planning, supply management, production, transportation, inventory, warehousing, packaging, materials handling, and customer service.

Offered: Session 1 Online, Session 2 Online

MBA 651 – Financial Management

Provides a foundation in financial management by integrating topics such as measurement of risk, portfolio theory, interest rate determination, valuation, capital budgeting and cost of capital. 

Offered: Session 1 Online, Session 2 Online

MBA 670 – Managerial Marketing

BUA 670 Managerial Marketing is designed to explore both the theory and application of marketing concepts from a managerial perspective. The course emphasizes marketing decision-making and marketing strategy development through case studies and marketing planning activities. 

Offered: Session 1 Online, Session 2 Online

MBA 649 – Strategic Decision Making 

This capstone course studies administrative practices at the strategic level of business management. Develops administrative competence in the formulation of business policy at the decision-making level through case study or practicums. 

Prerequisites & Notes: MBA students only. Completion of all MBA core courses or permission. Academic Advisor must submit your registration.

Offered: Session 2, Online

General Electives

MBA 645 – Topics in Business

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MBA 695 – Internship

Field experience in business relevant to the student’s educational development and career goals. (Neither past work experience or field experience courses taken at other campuses or universities will be permitted as substitutes.) Only open to MBA students. Course may be repeated, but student may not earn more than 3 internship credits.

Credits: 0-3

Prerequisites & Notes: Permission of Business School Graduate Director or designated appointee.

MBA 698 – Independent Study

Provides an opportunity for well-qualified students to pursue a selected topic in great depth under the supervision of an individual faculty member. The topic is to be determined in consultation with the faculty instructor.

Prerequisites & Notes: Permission of Business School Graduate Director or designated appointee.

Concentration Electives


ACC 507 – Advanced Accounting

This course covers several major topics: the theory of and accounting for business combinations including mergers and acquisitions; foreign currency transactions and translations; and the formation, operation and dissolution of general partnerships

Offered: Session 2 Online

Blue Economy

SMS 500 – Marine Biology

Examines the biology of marine organisms including their diversity, distribution, form and function within a broader context of evolutionary adaptation to the marine environment. Emphasizes scaling of physiological and ecological processes and the biology of acclimation and adaptation in representative marine taxa including microbes, primary producers, invertebrates, fishes, and marine mammals. Includes one weekend field trip to Darling Marine Center.

Offered: Full-Semester Online Live (Tu/Th 9:30am – 10:45am)

Business Analytics

BUA 685 – Problem Solving & Decision Analysis

This course is dual-focused on business problem formulation and decision analysis. First, the course introduces students to a variety of ways to formulate a business problem and identify its decision alternatives using systems thinking and process thinking. Second, the course presents core concepts and techniques for conducting data-driven decision analysis (e.g. utility/objective function, linear/nonlinear optimization, and simulation optimization) with the purpose of recommending optimal decision options by taking advantage of the results of predictive analytics.

Prerequisites & Notes: BUA 601 or equivalent, or permission from Graduate School of Business.

Offered: Session 2 Online

Engineering Management

EET 584 – Engineering Economics

A study of economic theory and applications in engineering and industrial organizations including capitalization, amortization, time value of money, cost comparison analysis, and breakeven value, and the ethics of engineering economic decision making. Also included are personal finance topics as applied to engineering situations and case study.

Offered: Full-Semester Online

DSE 501 – Statistical Foundations for Data Science & Engineering

An introduction and overview of statistical and mathematical methods that are fundamental in understanding data science. Topics include: visualizing data, probability theory, random variables, statistical models, expectation and variance, descriptive statistics, frequentist statistics, confidence intervals, Bayesian probability, decision trees and networks, time-series/sequential data science, linear algebra, and basic calculus concepts.

Offered: Full-Semester Online


MBA 653 – Investment Management

Analysis and valuation procedures to determine the investment quality of specific securities. Sets criteria for formulation of a sound investment policy and selection of investment media to implement it. Develops techniques of portfolio management and periodic reappraisal.

Offered: Session 2 Online

Prerequisites: Completion of MBA 651

Food Technology Industry Management (courses only open to MBA students in this concentration)

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Geospatial Technologies

SIE 509 – Principles of Geographic Information Systems

Covers foundation principles of geographic information systems, including traditional representations of spatial data and techniques for analyzing spatial data in digital form. Combines an overview of general principles associated with implementation of geographic information systems and practical experience in the analysis of geographic information. Not open to those who have taken ISE 201.

Offered: Full Semester Online

Global Policy (Orono Only)

SPI 503 – International Relations

The international system and its ability to respond to contemporary challenges: States, and sovereignty, globalization, international organizations, ideologies and perceptions, violence and war, human rights development, and sustainability.

Offered: Full Semester Live (W 1:00pm – 3:50pm)

Healthcare Systems

MPH 525 – American Health Systems

Health-related activities represent more than one-sixth of the U.S. economy and include substantial investment of public and private resources. The goal of this online course is for students to develop a critical understanding of the organization and financing of the American healthcare and public health systems. The course examines the factors that influence the health of individuals and populations; how health care services and health/public health systems are organized, financed, and governed; how these systems function; the relationships among consumers, public and private purchasers/payers, and providers; the market and policy environments affecting systems’ performance; and the outcomes of these activities including the health and well-being of citizens.

Offered: Full Semester Online

MPH 580 – Health Literacy & Communication

This online course provides students with knowledge, skills, and attitudes to recognize and improve health communications in public health, healthcare, and social service settings. Topics covered in the course include: patient-centered environments, health numeracy, oral health literacy, medical interpretation, informed consent, culture of safety and quality, adaptation of written health education materials and other written communication, cultural competence, effective communication, and the use of social media and web sites to advance health literacy. Students participate in field-based learning exercises and a workshop session with community partners in order to build and practice health literacy skills.

Offered: Full Semester Online

Human Nutrition (courses only open to MBA students in this concentration)

FSN 501 – Advanced Human Nutrition

Basic nutrition science with emphasis on carbohydrate, lipid, protein, vitamin, mineral functions, and metabolism. Genetic influences on nutrient needs and metabolism. Two courses in chemistry and a nutrition course are recommended. Online class with some synchronous discussions.

Offered: Full Semester Online

Organizational Leadership

LOS 500 – Foundations of Leadership Studies I

Students in this course are provided with an overview of leadership theory, practice, and intellectual history through using disciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches from philosophy, social science, the humanities, and STEM fields. Additionally, students will explore the wealth of interpretive frameworks for leadership and apply critical perspectives to develop their understanding of leadership. In doing so, students will gain self-awareness of their strengths, growth opportunities, and identity in relation to leadership.

Offered: Full Semester Online

LOS 502 – Leading Organization Development

Students in this course will explore theories and research of leading effective holistic systems change with a focus on organizational development frameworks, strategies, and processes. An emphasis will be placed on processes for leading organizational change and related emerging leadership theories and research. Case studies are used to examine the intended and unintended consequences of organizational development efforts.

Offered: Full Semester Online

LOS 550 – Leading Across Cultures

Students in this course are introduced to the impact of culture on leadership and on interactions between individuals in the global context (at the international, national, organizational, and social levels). Additionally, students will examine relevant theories and apply them to real-life scenarios to develop a cultural mindset that is essential to effective functioning in today’s global and interconnected world.

Offered: Full Semester Online

Outdoor Industry Management

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Public and Non-Profit Management

PPM 515 – Organizational Leadership

This foundational course considers contemporary perspectives, issues and strategies regarding the management of public sector organizations, the importance of public service and provides a basic understanding of public management theory and the application of theory to governmental and other public and nonprofit sector institutions. Topics covered include a wide range of public management concerns, leadership styles, emotional intelligence, persuasive communication, team building, decision making, organizational culture and change. The course prepares students to become managers and leaders of public and not-for-profit institutions who can enhance the capability of these institutions. The course presents a realistic view of effective management and leadership in government and nonprofit organizations and the ways in which these organizations work and interact and focuses on the creation of social and public value, keeping in mind that economic and private value creation is often a part of public and non-profit management.

Offered: Session 1 Online Live (Th 4:10pm – 6:40pm)

PPM 630 – Leading Resiliency in Times of Change

This course offers students a conceptual framework for understanding the role of public and nonprofit organizations in a market economy and democratic society and the challenges in times of change. Public and nonprofit leaders make decisions in increasingly net worked environments that are characterized by uncertainty, resource constraints, competition for human resources, barriers to coordination as well as political, policy and community challenges. Recent world events, including the COVID-19 pandemic, economic and social unrest, and threats from climate change have all brought into focus the need for greater resiliency at many different levels. Students will consider the unique social, economic and policy environment in which public and nonprofit organizations reside in Maine and nationally, and identify innovative strategic, governance, and management approaches in supporting resiliency, preparedness, mitigation measures, response capabilities and recovery mechanisms.

Offered: Full Semester Online Live (Tu 7:00pm – 9:30pm)

PPM 640 – Public Finance & Budgeting

Equips students with the knowledge, vocabulary, skills, and practical tools needed to participate skillfully and ethically in public finance policy development and decision-making and to assume a leadership role in guiding dialogue about resource acquisition and allocation choices. Teaches participants to assess context, to identify and analyze budgetary opportunities and constraints facing state and local decision-makers, to generate and evaluate alternatives using frameworks from public finance, and to project impact of choices, including identifying the potential for unintended consequences. State and local governments are the focus of the course, with the federal budget considered from the perspective of its impacts on the economies and fiscal options of lower governmental levels. Students entering the course should be familiar with Excel.

Offered: Full Semester Online Live (W 7:00pm – 9:30pm)


PPM 512 – Sustainable Communities

The course is to introduce the student to one current approach to community planning, known as sustainable communities, which embraces a holistic approach to community development as a goal to be pursued in the complex interplay among natural, economic, and social systems. The course aims to establish command of the basic concepts, principles, policies, and obstacles associated with sustainable development, sustainable communities, and, as a practical example, smart growth.

Offered: Full Semester Online

PPM 507 – Introduction to Community Planning

This course focuses on the foundations of planning primarily at the regional, local, and neighborhood levels. It covers the legal and political foundations of plan making, including an introduction to planning and zoning law; the architecture of plans; and themes around the integration of planning elements, such as transportation/land use and urban form/classical zoning.

Offered: Full Semester Online Live (M 4:10pm – 6:40pm)