Students outside of the Donald P. Corbett Business Building

About Us

Dean’s Message

Jason Harkins, Executive Dean of the Maine Business School

Mission & Values

The mission and vision of the Maine Business School have long emphasized student learning, faculty scholarship, and service to the community. These themes align with the UMaine strategic direction and resonate with faculty, students, alumni, Advisory Board members, and the community.

Our mission is to engage students and professionals in academic adventures focused on evolving business practices and to advance knowledge through scholarship as we connect with our communities.

We are catalysts for sustainable change in our approaches, processes, and communities.

Connect through collaborations and teamwork with a mindful view of global partners.

Adapt through innovative steps for our curriculum and outreach efforts.

Respect people as we expect professional interactions and integrity in ourselves and others.

Engage with current thought leadership about business practice and data-driven decisions.

We CARE about our students, colleagues, communities, and the world beyond.

AACSB Accredited logo


AACSB is a global nonprofit association that connects educators, students, and businesses to achieve a common goal: to create the next generation of great leaders. Synonymous with the highest standards of excellence since 1916, AACSB provides quality assurance, business education intelligence, and learning and development services to over 1,900 member organizations and more than 1,000 accredited business schools worldwide. 

When educational, professional, and business organizations become members of the AACSB Business Education Alliance, they are part of a movement united to improve the quality of business education around the world. AACSB connects, shares, and inspires innovation and quality throughout the member network, as well as the business community. The collective strength of the organization is founded on diverse perspectives, a global mindset, and a commitment to making a difference. The Maine Business School has been a certified member since 1974.

Our Students

Maine Icon

62% in-state students

63% of UMaine students completed an internship

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32% out-of-state students

84% found employment related to their major

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6% international students

93% of graduates had a positive outcome at UMaine

MBS History


The University of Maine was founded


The first business course was offered at UMaine in the Department of Economics and Sociology


The School of Business Administration is established as a division of the College of Arts and Sciences


The School of Business is given college status and becomes the College of Business Administration


The undergraduate business program received national accreditation by AACSB


The graduate program (MBA) received national accreditation by AACSB


The Donald P. Corbett Business Building opens and is dedicated


The College of Business Administration becomes the College of Business, Public Policy, and Health


The Maine Business School became a stand-alone college


The MaineMBA was created combining the graduate programs of UMaine and USM.

MBS Advisory Board

The Advisory Board of the Maine Business School (MBS) is a distinguished group of business leaders selected by the Dean to act as ambassadors, advisors, and advocates to:

  • Provide leadership and support to the Dean using their skills, experience, resources, and diversity to strengthen existing academic programs and develop new ones to meet the needs of the State of Maine.
  • Work with the Dean, faculty, and staff to develop and participate in programs for MBS students, including guest lectures, mentoring, and internship programs.
  • Increase the visibility and image of the MBS in our business communities.
  • Assist in development activities that provide a firm economic base for MBS programming

Lawrence Blaisdell, ‘86, UMaine
Managing Director, VIGILANT Capital Management, LLC

Daniel J. Bouchard, ‘83 and ‘85G, UMaine
Sr. Vice President, State Street Corporation

Bethany Durrell, ‘09, UMaine
Director, Project Delivery, Unum Group

Bruce Hall, ‘83, UMaine
President & CMO, Eureka! Inventing

Jason A. House, ’00, UMPI
Regional Vice President of Commercial Lending, TD Bank

Christopher Keating, ‘79, UMaine
Director of Client Relations, Mountain Pacific Group

Michael Kuhn, ’12, ’14G, UMaine
Manager, Global Strategic Marketing, Johnson & Johnson

Nicole Larabee, ‘11G, UMaine
Owner, Superior Restoration Services

Pasquale Maiorino Esq., ‘69, UMaine
Board of Directors, Androscoggin Bank

Kathleen Murphy, ‘86, UMaine
CEO, Market Me Too

Timothy O’Neil, ‘79, UMaine
Founding Partner, Monks O’Neil Development

Douglas Packard, ‘79, UMaine
CEO/Owner, Doug Packard Consulting
Renaissance Executive Forums ME/NH

Michael Perry, ‘09, UMaine
Financial Advisor, BayView Financial Management

Derek Ribbons, ‘98, UMaine
Co-Founder, Stealth Startup

Danielle Snow, ‘97 and ‘99G, UMaine
Leadership & Executive Coach

Jon Sorenson, ‘86, UMaine
President & CEO, JFS Energy Advisors, LLC

Greg Stremlaw, ’95G, UMaine
CEO, Indy Sports & Entertainment and Indy Eleven Professional Soccer

Gary F. Thorne, ’70, UMaine and ’73, Maine Law

Melanie Tinto, ‘93, UMaine
Chief Human Resources Officer, WEX, Inc.

David Whitney, ’90, UMaine
Founder/Chief Executive Officer, Whitney Corporation

Eric Winterhalter, ‘92, UMaine
President & Co-Founder, Tran Capital Management

MBS Ambassadors

MBS Ambassadors group photo