Build a Better Maine cohort

Maine Business Institute

The Maine Business Institute is your resource for engaging with MBS to leverage the expertise of faculty, staff, and students.

Our Mission:

Our mission is to provide business consulting, workforce training, and professional development that utilizes state-of-the-art knowledge and active student participation to help businesses exceed their goals.

What we do for businesses and students:

MBI professional development

Professional Development

Professional development is beneficial for your employees and for the overall success and growth of an organization.

The Maine Business Institute offers a suite of customized training that fits you and your employees’ needs. Professional development helps your employees learn new skills, adapt to change, and advance in their careers. Specialized training can help you attract and retain talent, improve team performance, and meet organizational goals.

We have two signature professional development projects:
Build a Beter Maine, an accelerated leadership development program for emerging business leaders across Maine, and our Finances in a Flash micro badge.

MBI Experiential Student Learning

Business of X

Are you interested in having students work on projects emerging from your business as part of a Business of X model? You specify the problems you would like students to work on and then engage with a class dedicated to your challenge(s). Students will work with faculty on specific projects within your business as part of a course with your team as project coordinators. Gain access to new perspectives and share the amazing experience of working at your company! Past partners have included Northern Light Health and Wyman’s.

Businesses Served

Students Impacted

MBI Consulting


Do you have a key project you need to get done? Are you looking for expertise to help you address challenges in your business?

At the Maine Business Institute, you can access a team of diverse subject matter experts with cutting-edge insights designed to support your success. Our experts provide the knowledge and resources you need to grow and thrive. Past projects have included developing brand equity standards, market forecasting, strategic planning, and customer discovery.

MBI Professional Development Education

Strategic Analysis Reports

Strategic analysis reports provide thought leadership on topics impacting Maine’s business community.

MBS faculty engage in strategic analysis work around questions of interest to businesses and industries, providing insights you can use. These reports are conducted on a regular schedule to provide perspective over time.

Click the links to see some of our recent strategic analysis reports:
Maine Brand Study
MBI Report: Earnings Quality Trends in the State of Maine

Build a Better Maine Logo

Signature Program: Build a Better Maine

Build a Better Maine is an accelerated, four-month leadership development program for emerging business leaders from Maine. The training sessions are designed to help attendees develop their leadership skills and foster the creation of a peer/mentor network. It’s designed to provide leaders with the skills needed to solve the most pressing global and local challenges and strengthen Maine’s economy and workforce. Click to read more about our inaugural class.

Participating employers have included: Bangor Savings Bank, BerryDunn, IDEXX, L.L. Bean, Tyler Technologies, Unum, WEX, and Wyman’s.